• Steven downloaded Midnight in Chernobyl, so Book Club for Two is back! Yay!
  • We started watching Wild last night, and it’s interesting to watch the movie right after finishing the book and notice all the little things they changed to the story. I bet Steven loves me saying “that’s different from the book” every five minutes. Ha ha.
  • I am so excited Steven is selling vegan chocolate on Fake Meats now. Look at this cool vegan Santa filled with gummy bears! I can confirm Santa and the gummy bears are delicious. Not sponsored.

  • We got our first holiday card yesterday. Yay!
  • The rest of these bullets are about work, so you can stop reading here if you want!
  • I know this is ridiculous, but I just want one day at work where I am not being constantly flooded with requests and inquires. Sure, it feels good to be needed, but I feel like I am always behind on things. (I’m not a perfectionist, but do strive for zero inbox/task, which is my problem. I know that’s ridiculous. I am working on being less high strung… everywhere in my life.) I keep hoping it will quiet down for the holidays.
  • Another work comment – I was in training this week and wanted to use my breaks to catch up on work but people kept talking to me and it was hard to focus. See above about being high strung. Why can’t I just let everything sit for two days? (Because I’d be holding other people up and I don’t want to be THAT person)
  • A final work comment – a huge part of my job is assisting people in making decisions and it’s difficult and draining, and doesn’t leave me any patience for delayed decision making in other arenas of my life. Ugh.

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 255