• It would be remiss of me not to share something EXTREMELY EXCITING that happened to me on Tuesday. I went to open up the new jar of peanut butter and none of the seal stuck to the container! NONE OF IT! Usually most of it does! In fact, I was hoping Steven would use peanut butter next and have to remove the seal. Hee hee. It’s the small things.

  • Steven used his inside connections at the post office (i.e., he asked) and got some holiday stamps before they are on display. Some years I forget to get them until they’re all picked over. The trick is to ask in October!

  • Call me immature, but the “symbol” our library uses to indicate books that are on order cracks me up.

  • While I was at the library, I ran in to a fellow train commuter – the guy who was telling me about his family’s genealogy in May. He was shocked to see me at the library, because he thought I lived in another town. He insisted I live in that other town. Several times. Hmm. Why would he see me at the train station every week if I lived in the town next to it that also has a train station? Plus, that town doesn’t have a library… so I’d be at our library anyway.
  • Okay, one more library story. I use a (contained! not loose!) glittery bin to return and pick up my books/materials, and one of the librarians really liked it. She liked it so much that she kicked her leg up, Melissa McCarthy in Bridesmaids style, to show me the glitter on her shoes. I was super impressed she could pull her leg up that high. Ha. I then showed her my glitter nails. The love for glitter bonds people, folks!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 250