Because my brain is too jumbled to share anything else!

  • We were running the dishwasher in the beginning of April and Starbuck became intrigued by the noises it was making and stuck her paw in to the door to play with the insulation… and got it stuck there. Poor girl. She started screaming and tried to get her arm out. Steven tried to help her but she panicked and bit him, then finally got out (her arm was fine). She was so freaked out she let me hold her like a baby for almost a whole minute (she doesn’t let me hold her for very long, and not like that!). I hope she learned her lesson! We definitely won’t be running the dishwasher when we aren’t home to monitor it. (She could get it stuck in there when it’s not running, but she doesn’t seem to care about it as much then.)

I asked Starbuck if she wanted to pose by the dishwasher and she said no, use this picture instead. Yes, we still have Santa’s Toy Shop out, ha!

  • Khaleesi (Khali) recently discovered the Tower of Judgement™ (aka TOJ), an elevated cat bed in the office that my snis and her husband made for Data years ago. We’ve always had it at this house, but for whatever reason, Khali has never used it. Now she uses it a lot, and it’s so nice to have her in the office with us during the work day! Often, when you approach her for a pet she runs away (sadness), but she does that less when she is on the TOJ! (And sorry kittens, but Khali is the best to pet because she’s the fluffiest!)

  • Apollo was very proud of this leaf he caught on the balcony yesterday. He played with it for a long time and is probably sad we threw it away (while he was napping, shh). Why do I buy actual toys for my cats, again?!

  • These kittens need a cat tree. Steven had the ladder out last week to install a new wall sconce and Starbuck and Apollo thought it was a playground. At one point, Apollo knocked Starbuck off the top and she was dangling on a rung.

  • My brain is jumbled/in a fog because I woke up from a nightmare this morning. It was definitely influenced by recent news events and a book I read. It involved our neighbor’s house burning down, me having issues with my phone calling 911, then 911 not being useful, then the fire spreading to our house, and me getting all the cats in to the carriers, but them somehow getting out. Sigh. I told Steven this morning that maybe we should keep their carriers in our bedroom (instead of the basement!). And we still need to get one of those fire escape ladders! (Although, we would both survive a jump from the balcony)
  • Lately, several people have commented to us on how much we love our cats… with a bit of a negative connotation. Yes, we love animals. That’s why we’re vegan and vegetarian! Yes, our pets are going to be spoiled and loved. It’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with it/us. There is nothing wrong with us having pets and not having kids. It doesn’t say anything about anyone but us.

Link to Cat Tales I