So, it took me entirely too long to realize this (like, a couple of weeks after he was born) but my new nephew Leo and I almost have the same middle name.

His is Alexiou, our great grandpa’s original Greek last name, and mine is (my maiden name) Ilax, the derivative of that. So, yeah. Basically twinning, right?!

Christina says not so much. Ha ha ha. Maybe I should change mine?!?!

How is everyone handling the switch to DST? Yesterday I was thinking about how well I’m doing with losing an hour of sleep this year, and was feeling pretty proud of myself.

Then I got up at 3:50 am today to teach and felt like DEATH. I was so tired I felt sick to my stomach, like I used to in college when I’d pull all nighters to finish architecture projects.

So yeah. Not actually doing so great with it, after all. Ha.

(And I definitely see the absurdity about posting about my tiredness and the same post where I am mentioning a newborn!!!!)