• We had a team breakfast yesterday and everyone brought in homemade and store-bought goods (I made mini banana muffins). There was so much delicious food, but what got me SUPER EXCITED was when my coworker Jen unveiled homestyle potatoes.  AHHHHHHHHHHHHH I love LOVE LOVE potatoes. And she sent me home with the leftovers! BEST DAY EVER*!!!!

  • We toured the (gorgeous and stunning) McDonald’s headquarters yesterday at work. There were some pamphleters outside handing out information on McDonald’s’ (where the hell do I put that apostrophe?) involvement with animal cruelty in the chicken supply chain. Someone handed me a pamphlet and I said to them “I’m with you – I’m vegan!” They actually really liked that reaction and seemed pleased… but I still went on the tour…
  • I finally finished the baby blanket for my coworker. I didn’t take any photos because it’s the exact same as this one I made William (below). I’m excited to give it to her! Another coworker is pregnant, and I’m considering making a blanket for her, but a new pattern (which I haven’t even begun to research!).

  • We named the door stop I got a few years ago – Hodor! I hope my fellow Game of Thrones fans like the reference. Ha ha ha.

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 220

*Ha, not really! I had woken up Wednesday am at 2:00 with a headache and couldn’t fall back asleep so I was running on slap happy fumes all day… and work is super busy right now, so the days are flying by!