- Long story short – I drop everything I try to place or pick up, including my MOD pizza as it was being handed to me last Thursday (it landed face down on the counter). I felt like a complete idiot, but they were totally cool about it, remade it, and even gave me a coupon for a free future pizza. Thanks for the rock star service, MOD!
- I finished State of Wonder last night. It was good and the ending left me feeling emotional! I highly disliked one of the main characters, but that didn’t stop me from enjoying the book.
- I think I’ll start Text Me When You Get Home on the train today, a recommendation from Stephany. Although I totally plan to put it aside to read The Obelisk Gate, which I’m picking up from the library tonight!
- Steven and I are going to Canada in May (for work, for him) and I already feel sad we’ll be away from the cats for vacation. Ha. I’m pathetic. But I am excited to go to a new city!
- We finished rewatching Game of Thrones last Sunday! And now we wait for the premiere… I know a trailer came out this week, but we are not going to watch it. I don’t like to watch the preview of the next episode after I watch the most recent one, either. I like to be surprised.
- I started a baby blanket for a coworker on December 31st and moved really fast on it and have five rows left… and haven’t touched it in a month. What the heck, Kim? GET IT DONE!
- Work is so weird right now. I wish I could rant about it here, but that’s not appropriate. Sigh.
Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 219
Yay for Mod Pizza! That’s great customer service 🙂 I get like that about the cats too when we go on vacation. I love vacation but I always miss them and am happy to come home to them. It does help that we have a cat sitter we know well who loves the cats too.
It really was! They made me feel so much better!
Yes! That helps so much! We have two we love. And they send loads of pics and updates.
Mod pizza sounds awesome. I love it when places go out of their way to provide good service and just be plain nice.
I cannot wait for GoT!!!
Me too! They have a cool vibe!
How is it still a month away?!
Canada sounds like it’ll be a nice trip! I’ve been to a few parts of Canada and really liked it. Are you going to be able to run a race while you’re there??
Where have you been? I’ve only spent a little time in Montreal, and was in the Toronto airport once, ha.
I am not! There is a marathon the weekend AFTER we are there. That’s totally cool though. I will run a lot while Steven is in his conference!
When I was…younger (I was trying to remember exactly how young, but I’m not sure. Early teen years. My only reference point for my timeline is that I know, beyond any doubt, that I wore my graphic t from Forever21 that said “Future American Idol” on it on this trip, because I thought I was so clever wearing that in Canada HAHAHAHAHA. What a nerd.), we drove to Niagara Falls via Canada, so I’ve been through everything from Detroit to Niagara Falls. I know we spent time in Toronto, but I don’t remember if we stayed anywhere else? And I’m not even sure we stayed in Toronto – might’ve just been there for the day and spent the night elsewhere. In 2003 we took a gigantic, three-week road trip out west, and that included a pop up into Canada: Alberta and British Columbia. We went to Banff and Lake Louise, which were OUT OF CONTROL beautiful. It’s obviously been quite some time, and I can still clearly see Lake Louise and parts of Banff in my mind’s eye. HIGHLY recommend it if you ever get the chance to be in that area!
LOL! I love how nerdy you were! I definitely work some American apparel when I was in Spain when I was 18. So… I get you 😉
Oh man, we are not going to be near either of those areas, but they are both ones I want to visit! I am a huge sucker for gorgeous landscapes. Was your 2003 trip in the summer? And what season for Niagara Falls? We are going to Saskatoon 🙂
Both trips were in the summer for us, probably sometime between late June and mid-July? That’s when we tended to travel, if I remember correctly. I don’t know anything about Saskatoon! I’ll be interested to hear what you think of it!
I’m sorry work is bumming you out… Maybe that’s why you’ve been enjoying reading so much lately instead of knitting? Because reading is an escape and knitting allows you to think while you’re doing it?
Where are you going in Canada?
Wonderful service on the pizza! I will definitely have to try MOD if they have it in the Dallas area, next time I’m there…
Yes, I think so! Especially because I’ve been trying hard to focus on what I am reading so it really does let me escape!
We are going to Saskatoon!
They have it there! I’ve been to a MOD in McKinney 🙂 Or Frisco. Same thing 😉
Oooh, Saskatoon! What a cool name! What is there to do/see there?
And I will put MOD on my list of must-eats next time I visit my mom!
I am not sure yet! Looks like some nature stuff and cool buildings! I already found one vegan restaurant. I bet we’ll do nature stuff and people watch and eat! Ha!
Oh, you know I feel you about missing the cats while on vacation. I feel the same way about leaving my kitties next month! I know they’ll be fine but I’m going to miss them so much!
I hope you enjoy Text Me When You Get Home! I found it so fascinating. 🙂
You will! What did you decide to do for a sitter?
I think it’s interesting so far! I am anxious for it to get past the history of talking about why we are the way we are. LOL, even though, like I said, I find it interesting! I did put it down to read that fiction book, ha.
That pizza looks fricking amazing, and I’m so impressed that they went above and beyond for you with it! WTG Mod Pizza.
Canada, eh? I’m slightly Canadian (my paternal grandpa was born just over the border in the US but his sister and parents were Canadian) but I’ve never been. It’s on the list! Ooh, I wonder if you’ll be able to find a new Starbucks mug while you’re there?!
Right?! Do you have MOD there or a similar build your own pizza a la carte style place?
Oh cool! Where do you want to visit? Where your family is from? It looks like there are a few SB in town so I hope so! Do you want me to pick you up one? I wonder if it will be the international style or the Been There style!
No MOD here, and the only build your own pizza recently closed (but it wasn’t very good so no great loss there).
I think the family was from Ontario but beyond that I’d have to ask my dad. My great aunt settled in Vancouver BC, which seems like a beautiful area. Sooooo tempted to take you up on your offer, but I think I’ll say no. Unless it’s ridiculously amazing, then go ahead and pick one up for me. 🙂
Ahh, buh bye then! I hope you get a MOD!
Vancouver looks so lovely! I want to see it some day! Ha, okay. I’ll see how amazing it is when I am there 😉 Do you have any of the foreign ones?
You inspired us to re-watch GOT, but we’re definitely not going to make it by the premiere, especially with me being out of town for a week. We got through s3e1, but that’s still 46 episodes to go! We’ll make our best effort though and probably watch YT recaps for what we don’t get through. It’s amazing how much I have forgotten/can’t remember what happened in each season. (And I’ve read the books!)
SO MUCH HAPPENS! And the seasons are so far apart. I would be impressed if anyone could remember all that! We surely forgot a lot, and this was our third time seeing the whole thing (second time seeing the last season).