It was an embarrassing week, with several face palm moments, all brought on by my own stupidity:

On Monday after strength class, everyone was ripping on the Super Bowl half time show and I was so excited to be able to share in the conversation (as it was the only part of the “game” I watched) that I ended up talking over someone. (I later apologized and they said they hadn’t even noticed, but still). Lesson learned – wait your damn turn, Kim. Gah, I typically spend Mondays working from home and go a bit overboard when I get a chance to talk to someone.

On Tuesday, I gave a friend a gift – a laser cut wood clock – in person and a small part of it was broken. Sigh, this was after I bought the same style clock for another friend and it arrived at their home with a small piece broken. UGHHHH. The situation reminded me to ask that friend if they were able to fix it with glue, and they said no, they had to ask the vendor to send a replacement (which they did). EMBARRASSING! Lesson learned – if I ever order from this company again, don’t buy two clocks together. They mailed them tapped together and I had to separate and open them to figure out which was which, and I probably messed up the intricate packing protecting the delicate clock.

On Wednesday, a coworker placed a gift I had left with them for another coworker on their desk. In my stupidity, I didn’t put a card on the present, because I thought I’d be in the office to give it to them myself. So, when the gift-receiving coworker got to their desk and found this random gift with no card, they were freaked the hell out and thought it was suspicious package and placed it very far away from their desk. Then casually mentioned it to me to see if they were losing their mind. Then I felt embarrassed for freaking them the hell out and not putting a card on it. Lesson learned – always put a card on a present if you won’t be there in person to deliver it.

The scary wrapping paper I used

On Thursday, I was finally able to make it to the library to pick up my hold requests (it was closed “for weather” on Tuesday when I tried to go the first time this week) and I’d had so many hold requests come in, there was a cart dedicated to JUST my hold requests. EMBARRASSING. Lesson learned – quit using the hold feature on their website as a “want to read” list.

Let’s hope I don’t come up with anything to add for Friday!