Today at the dentist, the hygienist said to me “You smell like vanilla bean! You know, that scent from Bath & Body Works?”

Oh yes, I know indeed. There is a reason I smell like that:

I stocked up when it was on sale, in hopes that I can use that scent all year long!

Last week, Steven asked me why the bottle of it in the bathroom had the top cut off. Because I am making sure I use all of it, of course! Ha. He must have thought I was crazy. Muah ha ha.

(I am feeling crazy, sharing this story here, but hey, my outside human interaction today was the dentist, so that’s all I have to share, unless you want to hear about my run for the day.)

I’m not a very good preventative lotion* user, but am trying to get better! I have super fond memories of staying with my grandma when I was a young kid, and taking a fun bath with all the character shampoo bottles (remember those?!), then her drying me off and putting lotion on me. <— the point of sharing that? Grandma knew what was up with skin care. Be more like Grandma.

*And by lotion, I mean body cream, because that is what I prefer

What else has gotten me out of the house lately?

On Friday we went to El Famous for Troy’s birthday, then to Edge of Escape to try their new escape room. We’d been before and really liked it, and Troy, Jen, and Declan had never gone! We all enjoyed it!

Each room hosts up to eight people, and we had two people in our group we didn’t know – Maddie and Austin. We all got along and everyone worked together to solve the puzzle!

I made Troy a chocolate cake because he LOVES chocolate! It was completely homemade and not a fail like the last one (although it was just a tad dry, sigh)!

And that was the highlight in “out of the house” activities. Ha. I taught Saturday, got groceries Sunday, trained one-on-one and taught yesterday, and you already know about my trip to the dentist today! Oh, and, AND, I went to the library today too.

It’s an exciting life, but someone’s got to do it. Sigh. (I am trying to be careful about not spending much on activities since I’m not sure when I’ll get my next paycheck. Not that I’d be out doing crazy things, but I definitely feel like I should stay home more… for some reason.)