Highlight of the Week: Feeling like my old running self on my Thursday run! And students telling me they liked our Monday night workout.

Monday | January 7, 2019: 10 m ride + 4 m run + teaching strength class
Indoor Ride Time: 40:28, Pace: 14.8 mph avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, but sore butt from yesterday!
Run location: hood, Temp: 52°/51°, Time: 43:20, Pace: 10:49 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Strength: body bars (long and short), Felt: good

Tuesday | January 8, 2019: 10 m run
Run location: DPRT/Kilbourne Loop, Temp: 40°/41°, Time: 1:52:42, Pace: 11:16 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: mostly good, breathing difficulties (due to cold) at times
Wednesday | January 9, 2019: 15 m ride + 30 min walk
Indoor Ride Time:58:17, Pace: 15.4 mph avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, butt still getting used to seat!
Thursday | January 10, 2019: strength (upper) + 8.5 m run
Run location: Redbox Return Loop, Temp: 22°/25°, Time: 1:30:04, Pace: 10:36 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great!
Friday | January 11, 2019: 5 m run
Run location: VP Woods, Temp: 25°/28°, Time: 56:30, Pace: 11:18, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good

Saturday | January 12, 2019: teaching fitness boxing + 3 m run
Strength: BOSUs and boxing, Felt: good
Loc: hood, Temp: 29°/30°, Time: 31:42, Pace: 10:33 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good

Sunday | January 13, 2019: 12 m run (incl. 4×400)
Run location: Lake Andrea/Outlet Mall Loop, Temp: 29°/29°, Time: 2:16:34, Pace: 11:23 avg, Difficulty: hard, Felt: drained from the wind in the first half


  • I was furloughed all week, so I worked out a little bit more than normal. And was able to work out during the day.
  • My two trail runs were completely different this week. The first was right after we got a lot of rain so the trail was super soft and cushy to run on. The second was after the soft trail froze and left hard divots every where, which was difficult to run on – much more technical than normal!
  • Gah, my long run on Sunday took it out of me. There was a 14 mph wind from the ENE so I ran in to that to start, and it just drained me. I’m glad it was at least in the 20s so the “real feel” was still in the teens.
  • I remembered I had another pair of Asics my snis got me really cheap to try – Asics Gel Sonoma 3. They’re a trail shoe and appear to have a harder outsole, so I hope that means they last a bit longer than mine have been. We shall see! I ordered another cheap pair of Asics to try that are said to be more durable as well. Fingers crossed. I really want the Asics gel cushioning but can’t keep going through shoes like this.

Link to Training Week 481