• Grocery store order (via app) and pickup services have been a godsend. I’m an anxious shopper – I worry about finding everything I want, and about not being efficient as I navigate across warehouse-size stores to find it. I don’t enjoy shopping. So to have someone else gather all the things I want from around the store, and me not put random things in my cart because I ordered ahead of time? Amazing. Picking up my order takes me about twenty minutes, compared to the hour+ I would spend driving to the store and shopping. Time is money and I greatly appreciate this free service.
  • I just finished Ellie Kemper’s autobiography My Squirrel Days. She’s a great story teller and there were many laugh-out-loud moments for me while reading. The book is a collection of random stories from her childhood, improv, and (paid) acting days. A lot of the criticism of the book said she’s too young to write and has nothing worthwhile to share (no big hardships/major lessons learned), but I think the whole point of the book was to share silly stories and make the reader laugh. And I did!

  • Now I’m reading The Martian. It’s one of my favorite movies, and I enjoyed Weir’s second book Artemis, so I thought I’d give it a try. So far it’s very sciency (which I remember people saying about it), and a bit crass, but I’ll stick with it. I like seeing what is different from the movie.
  • I keep having nightmares about our old townhome. One of the nightmares this week included Data – we had just left him there. Sigh. Stupid cold giving me these stupid dreams.
  • A blog thing I keep forgetting to mention – at the end of each post is a link to the “previous” and “next” (if applicable) post. The problem is, it’s not chronological by all posts, but appears to be chronological by category. It’s another thing i want to figure out how to fix (along with the comments not being a link). But I still don’t know php/if I can edit my theme, so I am not getting very far with that.

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 211