… is that, whoa, I need to get out of the house every day, and exercising outside doesn’t cut it!

Last week was an odd week. I didn’t teach any classes. Tuesday was a holiday. My “in office” day kept getting moved around. By Wednesday night I hadn’t left the house in a few days and was definitely going stir crazy.

Luckily we had plans out Thursday night, Friday I went to the office, we went out/had guests over Saturday night, I ran errands Sunday, I taught class on Monday, and last night we went to a movie.

Who knew? A shut in like me does need to see people and have a little bit of interaction!

This has been another weird week. I am furloughed, and was supposed to be in the office 3-4 days this week (eek! that’s too much the other direction!). I’d normally be interacting with people (virtually, at least) a lot more than I am and I miss it. I could tell when I was at Target today and found myself blabbering to the pharmacists and to the lady behind me in line at checkout (granted, I always chat with the pharmacist, and the lady behind me in line was buying the same vacuum I just got!).

I better find something to “do” tomorrow. (I have plans Friday and Saturday!)

My 2019 “free” Shitterfly notebook came! Maybe I can use it to brainstorm and come up with a decent goal for the year!

Kind of unrelated, I keep seeing people mention they’ve bought their 2019 planner, or are looking for recommendations for one. Do you still use a physical planner? I switched over to google calendar years ago (but loved my physical planner back in my college days!). I do keep a notebook in my purse and backpack to write down ideas (and use the “notes” app on my phone when those aren’t handy), hence, this “2019” notebook.