… is that, whoa, I need to get out of the house every day, and exercising outside doesn’t cut it!
Last week was an odd week. I didn’t teach any classes. Tuesday was a holiday. My “in office” day kept getting moved around. By Wednesday night I hadn’t left the house in a few days and was definitely going stir crazy.
Luckily we had plans out Thursday night, Friday I went to the office, we went out/had guests over Saturday night, I ran errands Sunday, I taught class on Monday, and last night we went to a movie.
Who knew? A shut in like me does need to see people and have a little bit of interaction!
This has been another weird week. I am furloughed, and was supposed to be in the office 3-4 days this week (eek! that’s too much the other direction!). I’d normally be interacting with people (virtually, at least) a lot more than I am and I miss it. I could tell when I was at Target today and found myself blabbering to the pharmacists and to the lady behind me in line at checkout (granted, I always chat with the pharmacist, and the lady behind me in line was buying the same vacuum I just got!).
I better find something to “do” tomorrow. (I have plans Friday and Saturday!)
My 2019 “free” Shitterfly notebook came! Maybe I can use it to brainstorm and come up with a decent goal for the year!
Kind of unrelated, I keep seeing people mention they’ve bought their 2019 planner, or are looking for recommendations for one. Do you still use a physical planner? I switched over to google calendar years ago (but loved my physical planner back in my college days!). I do keep a notebook in my purse and backpack to write down ideas (and use the “notes” app on my phone when those aren’t handy), hence, this “2019” notebook.
It’s so hard to find that balance, I definitely feel like I am either home way to much or that I am never home. Neither one is good for me! Or Cooper haha. He hadnt been out in a couple days and it was starting to show big time. So we braved the storm today and headed to jumparoo at the trampoline park. Maybe you should try that 🙂
I do use a physical planner, but only for scheduling work because my schedule changes so much week to week it is somehow easier for me to write it down when I am planning it all out.
It is! Some weeks (whole months!) I am on the go all the time or entertaining at home and that doesn’t work for me either!
How much snow have you guys had? I’m glad to hear you got out (not surprised Cooper was feeling it too)! I actually really want to go to a trampoline park!!!!
Do you think seeing it visually that way (in your physical planner) makes it easier to wrap your head around because it changes so much?
Are you happy to be furloughed? Like a surprise vacation? Or upset because no work=no money?
We haven’t had that much snow, but we have had SO much ice. It’s been terrible running conditions.
Definitely try the trampoline park, but prepare to be sore for days!
Ha, no, I am not happy. I’m anxious. We’re instructed to watch the news to know when to come back to work. So every day I wonder, is today the day?!, as I anxiously check the news over and over. It’s not like vacation (I actually had a post in mind saying how furlough is not like vacation, because a lot of people think that!). On vacation I know when I stop and start work, and that I am getting paid. So yeah, it’s upsetting to know my pay for the last two weeks will be delayed, and that I might not get paid to be furloughed. The whole thing is upsetting and ridiculous. (Hopefully that didn’t come out rude – I didn’t mean for it to! Just saying how I feel about it all. The only silver lining is that I have a cold this week so it’s been nice to be able to rest.)
Ugh, ice is worse than snow, imo! 🙁 That is definitely a reason NOT to run outside. Sigh. I would not have thought I’d be sore from the trampoline park! Good warning to know! 🙂
Ug I’m sorry, that’s so hard. I am so sorry you, And so many other people,are stuck in this situation for no good reason. The not knowing part must be so hard- I am a planner and that would drive me nuts
Thank you 🙂 And yes, it’s exactly that – the planning side of me is going nuts. I bet people who aren’t that way (and have more in savings) can be more chill about it. Ha ha. (And then there are people who are far worse off that I just feel horrible for 🙁 )
I plan to use a planner (ha) in February when I start classes again. I’m taking 3 at once so I don’t think I can keep track of so much stuff any other way (I’ll probably use my phone too). Plus I like being able to write things like pool lap times etc. (its where I take classes).
I still have nightmares about NOT putting classes in my planner! UGH! It’s good for that! And for taking on the fly notes, too!
Which classes will you be taking?
I hadn’t thought about the social consequences of furlough! And how frustrating it must be to have to check the news to see if you have to go back to work! Reminds me of being a kid and listening to the radio in the morning to see if your school district called a snow day (yeah, I’m old – I know they do it by Twitter and WhatsApp nowadays) But you’d think, given current technology, they could at least contact their employees personally…
And I do still use a physical agenda to keep track of my entire life! My friend gets me a new one for my birthday every year in October, we both have been using the same brand for over ten years (a dayplanner by Paperblanks). I always look forward to seeing what new cover artwork she picked out for me!
I try to read some news (I don’t watch it) every day, but following it now is just… infuriating. LOL. My boss did ask for everyone’s personal number (we are not supposed to used our work phones or computers, except to check intermittently if the shutdown is over) so maybe she will call or text when the time comes. I remember last time, I just watched the news! (I had a different boss then)
Aww! The radio! We watched the scroll on TV! I think they text and email parents now, too. And here, it seems like they’ll decide it at noon the next day. We still had to get up early to watch!
That is a fun tradition with her! Does she get a matching dayplanner for herself?
I think a post about how a furlough is not vacation is something you should write – even if it’s just cathartic for you. I wouldn’t think it would feel like vacation since it has to be super stressful to wonder when you’re ever going to be able to work again, and hello, not getting paid! Ugh. This whole situation is so, so terrible.
I will think about it! Writing about it may help, but talking about it (I guess in comments?) makes me (more) upset – not at the people I am talking to, about the situation. And you are right as to why it does not feel like vacation!
I was doubtful the shutdown would end the two weeks around Christmas and New Year’s because, really, what ever gets done then? But I was optimistic about this week. I am not feeling that way any more!
I’m sorry to hear that you have been caught up in the government mess. I hope this is over soon, but I fear he’s dug in his heels and it might drag on…ugh.
Thanks! I am worried that might be the case too :-/
I thought you were funded!! That sucks you are furloughed.
I have used a bullet journal since 2017.
We had limited funding, unfortunately.
I’m definitely a homebody, but when I got my wisdom teeth out last year, I felt a lot like how you felt – I was SO TIRED of being in my house! I just wanted to see humans again! Turns out there’s quite the difference between staying in your house because you WANT to stay in your house and staying in your house because you can’t leave.
I wondered if you had gotten furloughed. That sucks 🙁 I can only imagine how frustrating that must be – not knowing when things are going to get back to normal, and not knowing what things will be like when they do get back to normal (because I assume the work you’re not doing right now isn’t going to just magically disappear and not have to happen).
I used to use physical planners, but I haven’t since I switched jobs a few years ago. I lived and died by my planner from middle school all the way through when I left my last job, but it didn’t feel quite as necessary for my current position, so I haven’t used one in ages. I should, though – I really prefer having everything written down physically rather than digitally. Marking a task complete in Outlook isn’t the same as crossing it off a written list!
You nailed it – it’s very different when it’s a choice! Like, I need a day each weekend where I am mostly home. But too much of that and EEK!
Yeah, it’s a lot of unknown to deal with! Which I try to be chill about, and just go with the flow, but it’s hard. Especially not knowing when we’ll get paid!
So you do think you’ll start one up again? Ahh, how I loved to mark off things as done, as well!
If my job continues to be as busy as it has been recently, I certainly will! Haha. I need something better than Outlook to keep me on top of everything I need to do lately!
Eek! I hope it slows down! Or that you find a better tool that Outlook LOL!
How does furloughing work for you? You’re furloughed, but you have to be on-premises more?
Did you find that your extended in-house stay meant that you didn’t wash your hair, do make-up, etc.? I find that I tend to wear the same clothes every day (after showering) because they’re not getting very sweaty from just being in the house….
Sorry to be confusing with what I was saying. I was supposed to be in the office a ton this week for in person meetings with a client, but that is all canceled. How furlough works for me is I’m not allowed to work and am not supposed to use any government issued equipment, except intermittently to check if we are back open (but they want us to follow the news to know that, rather than look at work email). Even when I was doing shutdown procedures Monday, I was not allowed to do any work – just notify people of what is going on.
My hygiene stays the same for my extended stay in-house. I shower/bathe when I work out, and am still doing that now. I put makeup on when I teach or go out with Steven or with friends. I usually wear the same clothes for a while at home until they get sweaty 🙂
I’m sorry that you are furloughed—this whole things sucks the big one and is not fair to federal employees 🙁
I may have mentioned before, Matt is a full-time telecommuter (except when he has limited travel or required meetings in MN) and he goes through phases of liking being at home and NEEDING to be out of the house (even if it’s something simple like going to get coffee at Sbux vs making it at home). I have been able to do some limited telecommuting the past few months and I LOVE it. (But really love the days when I spend the first part of the day at home and go to the office in the afternoon…it’s the perfect blend of productivity and interaction and then I don’t have to spend my evenings catching up on “chores”!)
I love using a physical planner and started doing so again a few years ago (I always had one through college, grad school, etc). I like the “Happy Planner” for the layout, cute designs, inspirational quotes and the ability to easily change out covers, etc. PLUS, they are pretty cheap(!) but sturdy!
Thanks! I agree with that sentiment!
Yes, Matt! I get that! People are always saying to me “Oh, sorry you have to go to the office today…” but really, I need it! (like I said, it’s day after day with the long commute that gets to me). I am glad you have some flexibility in your schedule and have found out what works great for you! Are you pretty close to your office?
Do you keep your planner in your purse? I will have to look that one up – it sounds fun! 🙂
I’m about 10 miles from my office (it’s in downtown Birmingham and we are in one of the southern ‘burbs) so not bad.
I use the 5″x 7″ planner (they make several sizes) so it definitely travels in my larger “tote” easily.