I just remembered that I set a goal for 2018 – to eat a vegan donut! And I accomplished that on January 15th! (Overachiever, I know).

When that didn’t feel BASG (big ass scary goal) enough, I challenged myself. I made 2018 the year of the Vegan Donut Tour. And I ended up having vegan donuts in six states – Kansas, Illinois (3x), Ohio (2x), Wisconsin (many times at the same place), Minnesota, and California.

Ahh, what a year. I’ll probably never live up to the donut-greatness that was 2018, for the rest of my life. Sigh.

Sadly I don’t have a joke goal prepared for 2019. What could it be… eat a vegan taco everywhere I go?!

Ooo! But I did think of something I need to figure out – what the hell is going on with my shoes. I had to throw out two pairs WELL UNDER 200 miles today that were completely worn down in the right outer heal. So, hows about I figure that out this year – either with new shoes, or by fixing my gait (I think new shoes will be easier). I’ll report back in December… or hopefully sooner!