I went to a birthday party (for an adult!) at a ninja warrior style gym on Saturday night. I knew I wouldn’t have the physical strength to do a lot of the activities, but I was surprised at how much fear I had at even TRYING them, especially ones that required a running then jumping start, or starting up high then jumping start.

When did I lose my nerve?

I think I started to on July 4th, 2009. Gosh, when I was only twenty-four? That was when one of my stupid care-free stunts (going down a man-made water slide) resulted in an injury (torn ligaments in my wrist). I’m still up for thrills (water-skiing,Β hang-gliding, hot air-ballooning, helicopter rides, ziplining), but tend to be more cautious.

And now that I’m even older, and more susceptible to aches and pains,Β my cautiousness has gotten worse. One move I tried at the gym immediately gave me a crick in my neck. I didn’t try that again! Another bothered my ankles. I didn’t want to hurt myself. OR BREAK A NAIL. Sigh. Lame.

(Note: nearly everyone I hang out with is older than me and rolls their eyes when I say things like “now that I’m older.” I’m not trying to point out that I’m younger or make people older than me feel older! I’m just commenting on how things have changed for me over the years. Geesh.)

So I got home and was telling Steven how the gym was set up and he asked me about the different stunts he knows from American Ninja Warrior and if I tried them. Most of the answers were no. Or, “I got up there to try it and let go after I jumped” or “it immediately hurt my neck so I stopped.” Ha. I’m so cool.

But, I was able to do the 8′ and 10′ warped wall (I didn’t try the 12′ or 14′), and a few other things. I’m not completely lame (just partially)! And I’m usually still game for thrilling events… I’m just more aware of the short (and long!) term side effects.

(I can see resilient kids totally loving going to a place like this. They bounce around and fall, get back up and keep going, feeling fine. I can’t imagine many adults (except maybe those with a really athletic or gymnastic background) being that naturally good at this stuff! Of course, most adults who go probably are trying to get better at it, and not just checking it out at a party, like I was!)