• We ordered our holiday cards, yay! I wasn’t sure we’d have a picture we’d want to use for them, but all the snow we got helped. I’m looking forward to sending them out. I love sending (and receiving!) cards.
  • I was looking through our holiday card mailing list and whoa – a lot of people have moved since last year!
  • Now that I’ve ordered cards, I’m getting tons of sponsored ads for them. Lovely. I ordered a new vacuum on Black Friday and we’ve been getting lots of vacuum ads too. I’VE ALREADY ORDERED IT YOUR ADS ARE TOO LATE.
  • I finished Annihilation, and liked it. I wasn’t sure I would because it has so much descriptive text (that can bore me) but the author mostly kept me engaged. And it being so different from the movie helped me enjoy it. Now I’m really confused about the direction they took with the movie though.

  • The library pranked me. I got a text Tuesday that the other two books in the Southern Reach Trilogy thatΒ Annihilation is part of were ready to pick up, but when I got there, I couldn’t find them. The librarian couldn’t either. Then she looked it up and one book said it was canceled and the other was pending. What the heck. She probably thought I was nutso! BUT I GOT THIS TEXT I SWEAR!!!

  • Now I’m readingΒ Severance, an apocalypticΒ satire. It focuses on Candace, a millennial working in NYC who barely notices when a plague takes everyone out. She’s in NYC by herself for a while, then eventually ends up with a survivor group.Β SeveranceΒ has lots of pop culture references, and is full of purposeful detail (it reminds me ofΒ Little Fires Everywhere in that regard), and I’m enjoying it!
  • I did the latest iPhone update (so many new emojis!!!) and has some seriously dumb “updates.” Like sending someone a photo in text now takes what feels like a zillion more clicks. My coworker was telling me FaceTime is annoying now too – when you want to switch the camera from selfie to forward facing, it takes more steps. Good job, Apple. Not.
  • And now, for the completely frivolous – my last manicure lasted me three weeks, and maybe would have lasted longer, but I wanted something new!

Christina got a Cat Eye mani so I got a Cat Eye mani!

  • This photo of Apollo makes me laugh because he looks like a giant!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 205