“Hey, Kim! It really is TOO early to put out those fall candles!”

It’s kind of hard to tell with that ugly tile, but that’s a candle holder and broken candle, and candle wax all over the floor and shower curtain, and a bit on the walls and bath tub and the things next to the bathtub.


I had my weekend recap ready to go (hint: I did nothing… and I’ll post it later), but let’s talk about this.

We needed to clean Data in the sink this morning.

I had a candle going on the sink and thought “I better move this so we don’t knock it over while we clean him!”

Then proceeded to move it to an uneven surface where it knocked over naturally, cause, duh.


So, clean Data, clean the mess he made, then try to clean the bathroom. I’m not trying to clean the shower curtain – screw that – I ordered a new one.

I’m sharing this because I’m proud of how calm I am in a crisis. Oh, candle dropping behind me and wax and glass going everywhere? That’s okay! I am cleaning Data now and will get to that later.

Poop and pee outside of the litter box again? No worries! I know how to clean that!

But gosh, I sure do spend a lot of time cleaning up messes. The cats’, and my own!