This ended up being more about weight than I expected, so skip if that’s something you try to avoid reading about. 

It’s been almost two months since I wrote that I was considering running the Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon the first weekend of October. I can now say that definitely WON’T be happening. I’ve been running a decent amount this summer, averaging just under 40 miles a week, but my nutrition is off! I’ve put on some summer weight, and since I’d like to weigh less than I did to run a marathon than when I wrote that post two months ago, that means I have some diet* work to do!

I’m not super discouraged I’ve gained weight. My yo-yo cycle usually has me gaining weight from May until October each year (and losing from October until February). So that I only ate somewhat poorly for two months (June and July) is an improvement for me. How’s that for a positive spin? And maybe I will do even better next year! <— I am really good at going easy on myself.

So what’s coming up with running? I’m signed up for the Madison Mini Marathon (a half) this Saturday, and the Gear Western Country Half Marathon in Long Lake, MN on October 13th. Both races will be run “for fun” with no time goal. I’m not focusing on speed right now – I’m just running easy summer miles! So not short races for me!

Speaking of (hot) summer miles – I was talking to a friend who works at a school last night and she said she’s ready for summer weather to be over when she goes back to work. I told her I’m always ready for it to be over after my birthday (last day of July)/river trip. So August usually feels pretty miserable to me – I’m so over it by then! I’m handling it well this year (mostly by ignoring it and not dwelling on it, a great way to handle any problem, ha) but I do fantasize a bit about fall running when I see leaves on the ground!

When I say the word “diet,” I mean “what I eat.” I am not “going on a diet.” I don’t do that.