This ended up being more about weight than I expected, so skip if that’s something you try to avoid reading about.
It’s been almost two months since I wrote that I was considering running the Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon the first weekend of October. I can now say that definitely WON’T be happening. I’ve been running a decent amount this summer, averaging just under 40 miles a week, but my nutrition is off! I’ve put on some summer weight, and since I’d like to weigh less than I did to run a marathon than when I wrote that post two months ago, that means I have some diet* work to do!
I’m not super discouraged I’ve gained weight. My yo-yo cycle usually has me gaining weight from May until October each year (and losing from October until February). So that I only ate somewhat poorly for two months (June and July) is an improvement for me. How’s that for a positive spin? And maybe I will do even better next year! <— I am really good at going easy on myself.
So what’s coming up with running? I’m signed up for the Madison Mini Marathon (a half) this Saturday, and the Gear Western Country Half Marathon in Long Lake, MN on October 13th. Both races will be run “for fun” with no time goal. I’m not focusing on speed right now – I’m just running easy summer miles! So not short races for me!
Speaking of (hot) summer miles – I was talking to a friend who works at a school last night and she said she’s ready for summer weather to be over when she goes back to work. I told her I’m always ready for it to be over after my birthday (last day of July)/river trip. So August usually feels pretty miserable to me – I’m so over it by then! I’m handling it well this year (mostly by ignoring it and not dwelling on it, a great way to handle any problem, ha) but I do fantasize a bit about fall running when I see leaves on the ground!
When I say the word “diet,” I mean “what I eat.” I am not “going on a diet.” I don’t do that.
Summer running – it is HARD! We’ve had a few cooler days here and there, and it just makes running (and lots of other things too) feel so much better. It sounds like you’re enjoying where you are right now in terms of running.
Have you read “Racing Weight” by Matt Fitzgerald? (Can I mention again how much I like him?) It’s a great read, not because it focuses on diet=losing weight but rather diet=how people eat and what works for different individuals. He makes a big push for food quality rather than calories.
I, by the way, would like to start to focus on quality soon! 🙂
Doesn’t it feel SO. MUCH. BETTER. on those days?! Ahh, they are refreshing! And yeah, I am totally enjoying where I am! Getting through the hot days, being grateful I can run, and looking forward to easier and faster paces in the fall!
I have! I own it, but it’s been in storage for three years. At this point, I should get it from the library or buy another copy! But I do remember liking that. I love him too. I’ve read How Bad Do You Want It? three times and probably gifted it to that many people.
What is your plan to start focusing on quality?
I find that cooking and eating AT HOME is a huge part of the ‘eating quality’ food.
And yes times 3 to How Bad Do You Want It? I really like that he doesn’t just focus on running (or triathlon) but on a variety of athletic disciplines – and such great stories!
I love summer running, I love the heat. Nothing beats throwing on a tank top and shorts and getting out the door. I dread having to put on tons of layers to run. That said, I do not like racing in the heat, and always impose a no racing summer rule. I enjoy racing in the fall. I just love being warm.
That is great! I am always glad to hear there are people who love summer running the way I love winter running (I love all my layers and getting out the door in that crisp air in the dark and taking a hot bath immediately after to warm up!).
I gained summer weight too. Mostly from my trip home and carb loading for the race I think. I didn’t really restrict calories when I was training and I gave myself a week off after the race but trying to work on it now too! Also I like that you don’t diet diet. I just try to eat clean (with the odd treat).
I hope you get some cool weather soon.
Isn’t it hard after several weeks of that to get back on board? Your body is like, hey girl, all those carbs all the time were fun! (and not saying I avoid carbs, but when I overeat, it’s all carbs, ha).
Yeah, exactly. I try to eat whole-ish foods when a treat every day. That works well for me!
I only run early in the day during the summer but have been having a very difficult time getting myself out of bed this summer. Not sure why. I do not like running in the dark or when it is below 20 degrees so winter really stinks for me. I made a vow to get myself out of bed this week but managed to change my alarm both yesterday and today. Sigh. No self-discipline.
Were you able to get up early and aren’t anymore? I ask because I am at the beginning of summer, and by the end (or middle) I am just so tired from the heat and long days I can’t do it anymore. But I bet you can build that habit!!!!
Always love to read about nutrition and what works/doesn’t work for people. Interesting about your annual summer weight gain which is pretty much the opposite of me (where I tend to lose in the summer). Do you eat more sugar/carbs in the summer and more beans, nuts and olive oil in the winter? Anyway, the other day I also noticed some leaves on the ground and was dreaming of fall weather! 🙂
No, I just eat MORE in the summer! I eat the same diet year round (except more chili in the winter, ha). I am trying to figure out a little more about my trends each year so I can combat it!
Yes, soon. And by soon I mean MAYBE a glimpse in a month. Maybe.
Yum, I love chili in the winter as well! I don’t look at my food choices as dieting either. I never restrict my food intake so that I feel deprived (that doesn’t work in the long term anyway). It’s just eating the right amount of nutritious high fat foods so I feel full without carbs/sugar. How does the saying go? Athletes train and fuel and everyone else exercises and diets. Fingers crossed for a glimpse of fall in the next few weeks! 🙂
I’m ready for summer weather to be over as soon as I need to turn the air conditioning on 😛 Haha. More realistically, I’m ready for it to be over by the time Labor Day weekend is done, and I’m DEFINITELY ready for it to be over by my birthday (mid September). I don’t necessarily expect it to be full blown fall by then, but I do expect to be able to, you know, wear jeans. Or at LEAST have the windows open. Though I will admit that selfishly, I hope it stays warm through like…September 30. Like, WARM warm. I’d be fine if it were still in the 80s. But then the high needs to drop by 5 degrees every day after that for the next week so the high is 50 on marathon day, and I can get an extra boost from heat training. I’m not exactly counting on that happening, though 😛
Have you been training with your hobby horse for the Oct. 13 half yet?? Less than two months to prepare!!
I do not understand people who can wear jeans in the summer. I am wearing capris today and I knew I would regret it and totally am. Ha.
And yes to all that – we definitely need at least glimpses of fall by your birthday and the occasional jeans day!
I have not!!! I have been thinking about it… does that count? Ha. I need to run with a dowel or something!
It’s so good that you know and accept what you are willing to put your body through in regard to racing, and let’s face it, running for fun is way more fun, so why not? Who says every race has to be a race? LOL, that’s what I always say at mine to my running buddies as we’re in the start corral: Remember, this isn’t a race. I think they appreciate my sense of humor. 😉
Yes, every race cannot be for time! We need some F-U-N!!!! Ha! I like that you say that!