Our family will be growing by two in July!
On Thursday we visited the kittens at the vet and made the hard decision of which two would come home! We think the one in the top photo is a girl, and the one in the bottom photo is a boy. We haven’t decided on names yet, but are leaning toward Battlestar Gallactica inspired ones. (We’ll live with them a bit before we decide!)
I’m excited but nervous! We have a happy flow with the animals in our house now, and I don’t want to disturb that. Please share your tips on introducing kittens to older cats, and taking care of kittens, in general!
EEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! I love kittens! We’ve had adult cats and brought kittens into the mix, and we would keep the kittens in one room for a day or so, letting the adults get curious about them, and then we’d open the door, the adults would come in and get all mad, the kittens would get hissy and back archy, and I swear, by the end of the day, the adults would be sleeping with the kittens. It’s like it’s a mess that makes you regret getting the kittens, and then suddenly it’s awesome.
I hope our transition is that quick too! Things I was reading online said to keep them in a room by themselves for a week or two. That seems so long!!!!!
So cute!
It’s going to be so fun to have known what they looked like as kittens – we haven’t had that with any of our cats!
ZOMG KITTENZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LITTLE BABY NIECE AND NEPHEW!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope Aunt Christina gets to meet them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Boomer and Starbuck? Apollo? General Adama? I await the final decisions anxiously.
You are on the right track! Possible pairings we are considering:
Starbuck and Apollo
Athena and Helo
Adama and… Starbuck?
Carpica 6 and Gaius (lol, jk on that one!)
OMG they are precious!! The one in the top photo pulls in my heart; girl OR boy!!
Thanks 🙂
OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!! So TINY!!!!!! Ugh they’re the CUTEST!! I can’t stand it.
One of my roommates in college got two kittens that lived on our floor of the house we were in (even though we definitely were not supposed to have pets). They weren’t my responsibility, so I don’t have a whole lot of insight on raising kittens, but I do remember that they were very shy initially. As time went on, they got a little braver and would come into my bedroom, but in the beginning they wouldn’t leave the kitchen (where they primarily lived) unless my roommate carried them out. I also remember that they climbed like CRAZY all over everything, including me. One of them straight up scaled my leg on more than one occasion when I was wearing jeans. So that could potentially be something to watch out for!
I KNOW RIGHT?! Ugh. They slay me.
That must have been so fun in college!!! I have been telling Steven we might have to wear jeans all summer, so thanks for that tip, ha! I can’t wait to have lots of micro scratches!
I would do the week or two like you read! Start of with completely separate. Let the kittens sleep with a towel and let your existing kitties sleep with a towel and then put the towels in the other’s space so they can get used to smell. Do that for a couple days, maybe the whole transition period. Then feed them on either side of a door or a box (putting kittens in box) so they can smell each other and know the presence is there but don’t see each other. I think its important for your older kitties to know the kittens aren’t a threat to their food. Do that for a couple days and then introduce them for small periods at a time, always supervised. Eventually the time will get longer and then hopefully a full transition! I’ve not done it but I think its rather safe than sorry! You really don’t want your older kitties acting out by peeing etc. (that’s the worst..wahhh)
Thanks for the tips!!!! What you are saying sounds a lot like what I have been reading (especially with letting them get used to each other’s smell). I hadn’t thought about the food thing. I definitely need to show Khali this won’t affect her food amounts. Ha ha.
Oh gosh, yeah, definitely don’t want them acting out with stuff like that. It’s been hard enough cleaning Data’s poo up all the time!
OMG how cute!!! The one on the top looks so comfy…How long do you still have to wait til they can come home with you?
I’ll keep my fingers crossed all goes well with introducing them to Data and Khali.
Based on what the vet was guessing, I think we can bring them home in early July! So in a few weeks!
Thank you!
I was surprised that you’re (meaning, like, also the vet) not sure of the sexes yet. I didn’t realize it was that hard to tell! They sure are cute! I hope they join the household harmoniously. When in July are they arriving?
I was surprised too! I guess it takes a while for that to be evident?! I was thinking beginning of July. But it’s whenever they weigh enough (2 lbs) to be fixed! So it could take longer.
OMG SOOOO EXCITING. I am going to be closely following your kitten journey because I’m hoping to adopt one of my own in the fall, potentially. I miss having a pet around!
I will share everything (good… and bad! But hopefully more good!)!!! It will be nice to have a kitten and be able to get your Chip fill, too! 😀