Last full weekend of June, first full weekend of summer! Let’s do some summer-y things!


On Friday night we used our summer bowling passes for the first time! And realized Friday night is not the best night to go bowling (duh, Kim) – note taken. We also had El Famous for dinner, cause it’s right there, so why not?!


We drove to Waupaca, Wisconsin on Saturday morning to spend the day/night with Rachel and Kevin at a cottage on Rainbow Lake. The cottage has been in Rachel’s friend’s Kim’s family for almost one hundred years! I was hoping Kim would be there too and she was! YAY!!!!!

Rachel sandwich! Kim, Rachel, Kim (me)

We spent the day playing in the water, boating, and eating. There was lots of good conversation, and LOTS of goofing off. A perfect summer day in my book!

Steven, me, Kevin, Rachel

I enjoyed ignoring my phone and only took it out to take a few photos (and to text with Bobbi about the cats, since she was cat sitting)!


Rachel and Kevin kept telling us how beautiful the sunrises are off the lake! I grabbed a photo of it… then went back to bed. Yassssssssssss.

Rachel and I ran (yay!), made breakfast, then we all went on a boat ride,

and we left around noon. We encountered typical Sunday traffic in Wisconsin, so the drive home took longer than on the way there because of idiotic (don’t even get me started) construction and traffic. Ugh.

But we had a relaxing evening! We did a few chores, watched an episode ofΒ Mad Men, made a lasagna casserole for dinner (aka, when you want lasagna but don’t have the right noodles), watched a bit ofΒ W. and called it a night!

I’m glad we got to see and experience cottage life! Rachel’s been telling me about going there for years, and I totally get why she loves it! It’s such a relaxing, slow-paced place.