Last year, we bought a lovely tree skirt. It was kind of expensive, but we figured we’d use it for years to come.
Last year’s tree and skirt
Data had other plans for it.
For whatever reason, he was drawn to it when he needed to throw up, or go number two. We kept cleaning up the spots, but it was of no use – the spots were horrible and wouldn’t come out. And the skirt couldn’t be put in the washer or dry cleaned. SoΒ when we recycled the tree at the end of the year, we got rid of the tree skirt too.
Grr. I was so mad.
We bought two tree skirts on sale after Christmas, liking neither as much as the first, but not wanting to make an investment at the peak of the season again, just to have it ruined.
The strange thing is, Data doesn’t do stuff like that anymore. Sure, he has throw up accidents, but he doesn’t do hate turds around the house. Ever since Khali moved in, he’s been on his best behavior!
So maybe there is hope for the new tree skirt?!
We’ll see when we put it out!
But I am sure Data (and Khali!) will find some other way to get in to trouble!
Aww, he’s still such a pretty boy! Khali is pretty, too.
Thanks π
Finger crossed he has given up his turd ways.
Thank you! And please cross them that he stops eating the fake garland and throwing it up as well. Sigh.
Good luck this year!
Animals sure do make decorating a challenge! So far mine are behaving, but I don’t have a lot up yet. Plus they’re getting older so the ornaments are more likely to stay on the tree – I used to have one that was irresistible to all of our cats, and we’d have to hunt for it every day.
What was that ornament that was so irresistible?! Animals DO make it challenging. Data chews on the fake tree and the fake garland then we are cleaning up his throw-up all the time. Major eyeroll. I wonder if Khali is going to bat at the ornaments when we put them up!
Wow, that was a really jerk move of Data! What a turd, like you said.
Bodger never messed up the tree skirt with his bodily functions, but he used to think that the tree skirt was a comfy bed to sit on even though it was SO uncomfortable. He’d sit on my in-laws’ scratchy burlap one (Why???) and then twitch his ears because they kept getting tickled by the low-hanging branches.
Do either of the cats try to climb in the tree? My mom basically gave up on decorating hers last year because Inkling (as a kitten) kept ripping off all the nice ornaments.
LOL Bodger!!! I don’t understand why animals just HAVE to sit on something that is on the floor! If you put a reusable bag on the floor, would he sit on that, too? Steven puts his work binder on the floor by his desk and the cats HAVE to sit on it.
So far, no one has tried to climb. I am so not surprised Inkling did. Ha ha ha. Is Inkling more chill now?
Our cat Pre uses our tree skirt as a bed. He likes the canopy of the tree and since he isn’t allowed to climb in the tree this is as good as it gets I suppose. Since setting our tree up this weekend he has also started using the skirt as a sled. He gets a running start and slides across the floor on it. lol
Good luck with the two of them this year!!
Omg! As a sled! I can see that! Must be fun for it to crumple all up!
Thanks, I need it π