On Monday afternoon, Khali snuck out the door when I was trying to close it. Snow was nearby, and immediately chased her into the woods, because he wanted to play. I was annoyed, but this has happened before and I figured she would be back for dinner.

But she wasn’t. We sat down to eat and left the flood lights on to watch for her, and she eventually showed up! But when we went to open the door for her to come in, Snow chased her off again.


She didn’t come in Monday night. 

It rained all night. I thought for sure she’d be waiting outside in the morning, ready for breakfast and a warm house, but nope, no sight of her.

So what was anger and annoyance the day before turned in to worry. I was busy at work all day, but had an underlying sick to my stomach feeling. It rained all day and we called for her and shook the food container but she didn’t show.

Why was I so worried?! Khali used to live outside, and yes, sometimes a day would go by where we wouldn’t see her. And people have told me they had indoor/outdoor cats that would leave for days/weeks/months then come back!

But that didn’t make me feel better (I can’t imagine waiting around for days, let alone weeks or months, wondering about her). I was thinking about the high speed road we live off of, the coyotes that frequent our street, and other horrible things.


It got dark last night and we still hadn’t seen her.* Steven and I were about to leave to run an errand when we saw Snow act alert then run in to the woods. Khali was back! Hiding in the woods though…

I knew we’d never get her to come inside if Snow was in the mood to play, so we brought Snow inside then waited an hour and a half for Khali to make her way to the door and come in (I tried giving her food and picking her up from the woods, but that was a no go.) And she finally did!

What’s all the fuss?

I was so relieved when she was inside. I wasn’t myself all day, feeling so worried about her. Data was upset too – he was looking for Khali and needed more attention since he wasn’t getting it from their playtime.

I’ve really gotta be more careful when I’m going outside – to make sure she’s not sneaking out. As much as she wants to be an indoor/outdoor cat, she isn’t. Sorry, Khali.

(Why don’t I worry like this about Snow, when he lives outside, nearly 24/7? Because at any moment, you can open a door to the house and he’ll come running – he’s always nearby. Always. Usually staring in the house! Snow never leaves anymore!)

Hey Guys, what’s up?!

*Based on intel from our neighbor, I think Khali spent the day in their dry barn.