We haven’t seen Peoples, the raccoon, in forever! Sadly, I have seen what looks like the remains of Peoples, near the street. The circle of life is hard*. Maybe living here will make me less sensitive about wild animal death? Maybe? Doubtful.

So, no Peoples, but this baby raccoon has been showing up A LOT in our yard.

160710Rocky 160716Rocky1

We’ve named him Rocky. Maybe he knew Peoples, and that is who taught him how to hang like this? Ha ha.


I know they’re horrible and unclean and destroy things but they’re SO fun to watch!

*OMG, speaking of the circle of life**, I was watching a documentary on Netflix this week about Antarctica, and they were talking about the seals that don’t make it out in to the water before it freezes in the winter, and are stuck on dry land and how they aren’t allowed to help them. THEN THEY SHOW A SEAL CRYING FOR HELP!!!! OMG. I about cried. BLAH.
**Also circle of life related… I have just been telling myself that this (photo below) is poop, and it’s red because there are raspberries in the yard. That’s gotta be it. No other possibilities.
