We’ve been back from Alaska for a week now, and I think I am done with my touristy posts, but here are a few final thoughts that didn’t fit in to those (somewhat) focused posts!


  • Everyone enjoyed having the extra daylight (due to the very late sunset and very early sunrise) and it kept us energized to stay up later and do more. It was perfect for vacation! However, at any given moment you had no sense of what time it was (so we rarely ate at “normal” times). You’d think it was 3:00 pm and it was really 8:00 pm. Or the opposite. And we definitely hit an afternoon slump every day from staying up so late. It was nice, but odd. We probably would have become more used to it, if we stayed longer.
  • And… staying up so late there has really affected me and Steven back home, three hours ahead in central time zone. We’re having a hell of a time getting back to a regular sleep schedule. We’ve been staying up way too late and having a hard time getting out of bed in the morning. Getting back to a regular work schedule this week will help… I hope!
  • As is usually true on most vacations… it was nice to spend so much time walking! If only my daily life was like that. It definitely will never be, with where I live.
  • A few people warned me the bugs would be horrible but they weren’t. Alyssa’s mom attributed this to the weather.
  • The weather was AMAZING. It was never warmer than low 70s, and there was never high humidity or a high dew point. You could be comfortable most days in shorts or jeans, and short sleeves or a jacket. Perfect.
  • I LOVE the outdoor culture there – the hiking and adventurous aspect of it. However, I would never fit in with the hunting/fishing/etc. portion of that outdoor culture. It was (understandably) very prominent there.
  • I completely forgot about what was going on at work while I was there. Success! A family member brought work up and asked me about it, and I responded “I am on vacation and trying not to think about it… and truly can’t remember [what my projects are].” Hope it wasn’t rude, but eh, work’s not my life and it was nice to have a break from it! It’s not something I talk about with most people. I try NOT to talk about work, even when I am not on vacation.
  • As I mentioned, I was sad to come home, and a lot of that was feeling like there was so much more we would have liked to do there. I am determined to get back some day!
  • File this under “duh,” but some things (mostly food – at restaurants and grocery stores) were more expensive, because, duh, it costs more to get them there. It was actually a good thing I packed so many snacks after all, ha! I thought we got really good value for the things we did though (minus the aquarium in Seward, but those places are always expensive).


View of Eagle River from Mt Baldy