We bought sleep masks for our Alaska trip since the sun will be up for so long and we don’t know if the places we’re staying will have (blackout) shades.


Ha, the company name makes me laugh.


What kind of place doesn’t have shades?! Ha, secluded places in the wilderness. Places like our house…

We don’t plan on getting shades/window treatments for our home since there is no one around to “see in” and since the views are so nice. There are only two reasons* I can think of for shades – to block the western sun from hitting the television in our living space, and to keep the early rising sun from disrupting our sleep too much in the bedroom.

But I can just wear the sleep mask to help with the second issue!


Ugh, but that doesn’t stop Data from bugging me as soon as the sun’s up. He needs a little cat sized sleep mask!


*Unless our stuff starts to get hella faded… then we may have to get some! And we have temporary shades we can put up in the guest bedroom for guests who prefer shades.