I decided to run up the mountain (Mt. Baldy) we’re staying on to get to the trailhead and check out the views yesterday.
Oh my gosh, the incline. I was happy there were lots of reasons to stop and take photos so I could catch my breath!
I was telling myself the whole time “I am not doing THIS again,” ha! But the views going up and when I got up there were really cool.
When I got to the trailhead the pitch of the incline decreased and I could breathe again! Yay!
Almost immediately, I saw someone on a horse on the trail ahead.
Wait a minute. That’s not a horse! My brain just told me it was because that’s what I’m used to seeing in Illinois. It was a moose!
He was trying to go the opposite direction down the trail from me so I backed in the brush to give him some space. I couldn’t remember what I was supposed to do around a moose (just bears, ha!) other than give him space, so that is what I did.
Unfortunately, I still freaked him out, so he ran up the direction he came from, and went up a hill. Then I continued on up the trail, but only for a bit – I figured the fact that I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do around a moose meant I shouldn’t be out there much longer on my own!
When I came back down, the moose was making his second attempt to exit the trail. A slow second attempt. Ha. I waited for him to exit. I was actually kind of scared to get too close to him!
Then he left the trail, made a left turn, and immediately went up the steeper trail option.
Bye, moose!
I was super jacked up after seeing him. I was really hoping I’d encounter some wildlife in the wild! Yay!
The run down the hill was a lot of fun – and a bit scary! My uphill miles were 12:43 and 11:51, then 10:08 and 7:08 on the way down! I think I should have someone drive me to the top of the mountain so I can run down really fast. Then obviously, pick me up at the bottom and drive me back up.
wow its so beautiful!!
Wow, you got such great photo of the moose, but I bet your heart was pounding being so close to him, especially since you weren’t sure what he would do.
I can’t believe you ran up that mountain! I was thinking “Wow, what a glutton for punishment,” but the views are really stunning from the top!
It sure was! I kind of felt like he was taking a defensive stance when he saw me. And was pretty sure he wouldn’t chase me if I went back down… but not quite sure? LOL. So clueless.
I don’t know WHAT I was thinking, doing that. I am happy I did though!
OMG – wow! You got some great pictures of the moose! What an experience – I would have been scared too. But in awe at the same time. So cool!
Amazing!! Moose are such amazing animals!
I love running mountains…well probably because I don’t do it often and so it is more of and ‘experience’ than a regular thing. Gorgeous views!!
Exactly! Although it it was regular thing… we might actually get good at it!!! 🙂
Wow that is awesome you saw a moose! Such a good run!
That’s one way to have great splits!!
Matt and I saw a moose in Jackson Hole, Wyoming while we were cross-country skiing. They are HUGE! And really beautiful!
Right? Muah ha ha.
Oh cool! You were just doing your thing and so was he!!!
SO cool!! The moose would have made me nervous, I hear they are not the friendliest creatures lol It would have freaked me out he was still hanging around lol I know what you mean though, it is cool have a close encounter.
You did awesome running up that incline! That is a big climb.
Moose can be super aggressive, so I am glad he left you alone, hehe! That could’ve made for a speedy run!