Way to make me feel old, people. Ha.

A few of my Facebook friends from college have been posting about how it’s been ten years since we all started our adventure of living in Rome together (I arrived there January 4, 2006!).

Ten. Years.


That is the main reason I started this blog – to keep in touch with people while living in Rome. Then I stuck with writing  – it turns out I love having this journal of selected parts of my life.

I wonder what it’s like for the students from my university who participate in the Rome program now. Do they live in the same apartments? Is the school in the same place? Is it way easier to keep in touch with people back in the states, because technology is so much better?

I lived in Rome before smart phones. I didn’t even have a cell phone there. I used calling cards to call back home, and wrote LOTS of emails. Skype was just then becoming popular. I wasn’t on Facebook. Craziness! (But maybe all for the better? I would struggle with those distractions, as a student.)

I’ve mentioned this before, but I was NOT a runner when I lived in Rome. Ahh, how I’d love to go back and run in Italy!!! Someday!


Our apartment on Ciambella (that means doughnut!) street


The building where our classes were


And to think, I was b*tching about the kitchen at the rental house


Cats liked to hang out on the clay tile roof across from our apartment


Me and a random cat at the Colosseo…