Our little tree now has (a little amount of) presents under it!


And not a single one is homemade*.


When I started knitting this year, I thought I would knit lots of holiday gifts for people. I had even bought a complicated cable pattern and yarn to make a scarf for Steven’s dad, and was looking forward to it.

Broken record: you know what happened. We sold our house, blah blah blah. All of my free time was spent doing house stuff or running/exercising. The last time I knitted was at the end of October, when I finished this hat! Gah!!

I missΒ knitting. I hope I can pick it back up, soon. And maybe I can make that scarf for a birthday gift… nothing weird about getting a scarf for an August birthday, right?!

*Last year, I wrote about wishing I had a skill that would translate in to homemade gifts… funny to me that I do now, but didn’t use it.