Random Thoughts Thursday 73

Random Thoughts Thursday 73

Beyond Kelly being my training partner (read: close friend/unofficial therapist), she’s also my wreath supplier! She helped spruce up our front door last spring (top left), this winter (top center) and currently (bottom left). She also made a wreath for my...
That was a Western?

That was a Western?

Here’s what I wake up looking like when I stay out past my bedtime: Ha ha. Yeah… What were we up doing*? Seeing Mad Max: Fury Road. Holy cow, what a FUN movie! I haven’t seen a movie that creative (that I enjoyed, anyway) in a long time. When I saw...
My first knitting injury

My first knitting injury

(Un?)Fortunately, it’s not this exciting ^ A few weeks ago I was having a hard time typing on my computer after lunch break. I felt like my pinky finger was frozen and took a long time to “thaw.” I just figured it was a bit too chilly in our house,...
Early influences

Early influences

I was ecstatic when I saw Super Mario Bros. was on TV a week ago. It’s been sitting at the bottom of my Netflix queue for years, never seeming worth a disk. But I remember really liking the movie as a kid, and I wanted to see how it held up as an adult....