I’m still on a bit of a high from Saturday’s race! I can’t believe how awesome I felt during the Hospital Hill Half and that I was able to run the last two miles as my fastest (by quite a bit)! Two things had a big play in that: the weather and hill work.


I didn’t bother checking the forecast the morning of the race. I knew every day of our Kansas City (KC) trip called for sun and a low in the high 60s/low 70s and highs in the high 80s/low 90s. I figured I was going to be running in full on sun with a lovely side of humidity. Imagine my surprise when it was, yes, hella humid at the start, but overcast! Clouds covered the entire sky! Hallelujah! Even though I had sweat dripping down my arms by mile 1, I was grateful there was no sun in the sky.

And then what was that we felt around mile 7? Rain drops? Woo hoo! It started as a gentle rain then got a bit heavier, never a downpour, and never enough to make it so I couldn’t see (I didn’t expect it and didn’t have my visor… but I did have my sunglasses, which I handed off at mile 5!). But enough to keep me cooler and was it my imagination, or did it make it feel like it was less humid? I was a very happy camper, running in the rain.


Rain, rain, rain

And on to dem hills.


The elevation chart makes it look more scary, but it felt more like this:


We don’t have hills like this where I live, but we do have inclines. As you know, I ran hill repeats and hilly long runs every week, for a month, leading up to the race. Even though they were nothing like what I’d be running, I hoped they’d help, and I think they did.

During the race, the hills didn’t feel very challenging IF I remembered not to chat with Gina while I was running up them! Ha! And not to follow any instincts to drink (water… although, some people did set up a beer aid station!) or fuel. Sure, I was out of breath when I got to the top of some hills, but none really made me hate the race or wish it was over. In fact, the race went by really quickly! Too quickly! (Although, we had so much on our schedule for Saturday, I’m happy we ran the pace we did, ha)



Let’s start the race on an uphill! Woot woot!

But… the truth is I definitely would not be this cheerful about it had it not been overcast then rained. So I’m VERY grateful for that – especially when it was incredibly hot and sunny for the rest of the trip.

And I’m so grateful this was my first race of the year with Gina (and her first Missouri race)! It was a birthday gift from me (wanna see your friends?! sign them up for races in other states, ha!) and a chance for us to do a race for fun – no time goals. I just wanted to finish strong (we did!) and was actually pretty surprised our finish time averaged under 10:00 minute miles (I figured I would be slower, not Gina) at 2:09:49.


Apparently, they timed us on certain hills – fun!


The reason we chose to do this race is schedule related. I had asked Gina and fam if they wanted to go to KC the first weekend in June and spectate at the half iron man Andrew, Will and I did in 2013 (I know, what a fun thing to invite someone to do, ha!). Lo and behold, that race was canceled for the year, BUT! The Hospital Hill run series, with a Friday night 5K (and option for an additional medal if you do that with a Saturday race), and Saturday am 10K and Half Marathon was going on. And it turned out it was the only weekend in June that worked with my schedule. So let’s do this random race! I signed myself and Gina up for the half, and Andrew signed up as well.


Now that I’ve done the race, I am surprised I haven’t heard rave reviews of it before! It has a fun expo with quite a few vendors, plenty of race parking/porta potties, clear communication (errr, minus the race website being down Friday night), tons of water/Gatorade stops (filled my bottle up almost every time), a great course that goes through downtown/a campus/residential/by the plaza/by the WWI Memorial/and yes – by several hospitals, HUGE medals, a cool shirt and flip flops, and a post pancake breakfast (that we missed – that’s what happens when the bib tab says “BBQ” lol).


The Liberty Memorial in background (not me, but you get the idea)


There weren’t many spectators, but the ones who were there rocked – many fun signs, and offers of candy, oranges and tissues. It was so funny to see the Kleenex guy out there with an umbrella in one hand covering him and the tissues while he ran with people to make sure they got one without slowing down. I’m always appreciate of spectators, volunteers and police course marshals, but even more on a rainy day (or in any cray weather).


And we had our own spectators! Steven, his dad, Steve, Luca and my dad saw us around mile 5, mile 9, and at the finish. It’s so great to see your peeps and awesome that they wait just to see us for a few seconds! It makes me feel very loved and honestly, want to perform better!


This is definitely a race I’d do again. And I’d like to try the 5K the night before then the half (which they call the Re-Run). We’re already planning on making this an annual trip! And I know it likely won’t have this fantastic weather again. Ha! Maybe more of us will do events next year though!

A few other randoms:

  • We got lots of compliments on our flowers! I actually saw another gal with a orange Fellow Flower. Gina joked that I should go run with her, since she was my real bestie, ha.


  • This race actually started 5 mins early. When does that happen? Ha!
  • About 5,000 people did the 10K and Half. It was never too crowded but it was nice when the 10Kers split off.
  • I liked that the course was a long, skinny rectangle. I like course maps I can visualize in my head and that don’t go by the finish until it’s time to finish.
  • There were a few drummers on the course! The last set were on the top of the one really steep short hill – it encouraged me to get up faster.
  • Gina and I saw two girlfriends with matching tattoos (a symbol for friendship). Hmm, that’s an idea…
  • I made this post sound like the entire race was completely pain-free but I did have an upset stomach a few times due to cramps. The kind of cramps you can’t do anything about if you get my drift, ha!
  • It was so fun to have this time with Gina to chat away! It’s truly a treat to have that one-on-one time with her (most of our time together is in group settings, which I also love, but, ya know, sometimes you want your bestie ALL TO YOURSELF).




  • It’s kind of funny the last two races Gina and I have done have ended with rain. Fine with me!
  • This race had FREE pics! Schweet! If I would have known… I would have made an effort to find the photogs and smile. Ha. Usually I just ignore them and look for Steven.
  • This race had a virtual goodie bag – I really like when events do that and don’t give you a bunch of unwanted paper at the expo!
  • And I don’t even know how to explain this, but the race director sent out some goofy emails that really made me laugh (one example – channel your inner Pac-Man for the race, ha) – it’s fun when the race emails have a sense of humor in them!