From last December to May of this year, one of my Monday night Efit students (and friends!), Dawn, also brought her oldest son (a high school junior) to class – to take the class, as well!


From last May – Dawn and her older son two in from the right

Dawn’s older son left the class in the summer and has now “graduated” (hee hee) to one-on-one sessions. But this Monday, her younger son started taking the class with us!


From Monday – Dawn and her younger son three in from the right

I have to say, I think it’s pretty darn cool for high school students to be taking strength classes with a parent. I mean, it’s one thing to know that your parent works out, and to simply be encouraged to do it because they do as well, but to see them in action? And workout side-by-side? Neat-o! I think that isΒ so fantastic!

Oh, and let’s note, toΒ like your parent enough to work out with them (and in public! ha ha) says some awesome things about your relationship, too!

In high school, would you have worked out with your mom or dad?

I actually did in high school – my dad played volleyball with friends one night a week, and I went with him several times. I really enjoyed that one-on-one time… and learning lots of colorful language!