Would you feel more comfortable teaching something to a group of people you know or don’t know?

I saw this post pop up on my Facebook feed and was excited – they’re talking about a new class I’ll be teaching!


Then I was like, “holy crap that class starts this Monday,” and “ahhhhh, I’ll be teaching a bunch of strangers!!!

But hey – they’re only strangers the first time I meet them, right?

The unique thing about the studio where I teach strength class is that people sign up for classes for the month, and may take the same “night” of class for a long time. It ends up being a close-knit family cause you see your group every week for months on end! Drop-ins happen, but not often.

Sooooo… I end up knowing most of the people I teach really well, which gives me lots of advantages – I know their strengths and weaknesses (and can plan workouts focusing on them), I know their injuries (and can modify for them), I know their weight range (so I can tell them safely which weights to use), and I know their likes and dislikes and personalities. AND… they know me and what to expect. And I know I can get away with cheesy jokes and bad dance moves and a bit (oops) of swearing.

I don’t have that with a class full of brand new people, but! I’ll figure it out quickly enough and make class fun for them. Ha, and if not fun, at least challenging/worth their time!