In April I decided I wanted to get some blood work done. I had never had it done before, and thought it would be a good idea for several reasons: to get a health baseline, because I follow a specialized diet and wanted to see how that was affecting me, and most importantly, because I had been recently been feeling very fatigued in the sun and sweating out a lot more salt than normal. 

Per my health insurance, I had to get a physical in order to do this. When I called to make the appointment, I found out my regular doctor no longer practiced at the office I go to. I decided to try a new doctor in that office, because I had liked the first one so much, and because the office location is so convenient for me. 

This ended up not working out very well. The new doctor and I did not mesh. At all. 

He teased me about my paperwork. “It says here you are divorced and remarried!” Um… what? Why would you joke about that?

He teased me about my vegan diet, and asked ignorant questions that a doctor should know the answer to. “So, you eat fish, right?” Really, dude?!

He told me I needed to lose weight – which is fine – I did. I told him I was aware of that, and that I work out a lot (running 30+ miles a week, teaching strength classes, etc.), but struggle with binge eating. He recommended walking after dinner. “Oh,” I asked, “because that would be a good distraction from sitting on the couch eating snacks?” “No,” he responded,” because Europeans do that and they’re thin. You need to exercise more.” Um… did you listen to me AT ALL?!

Sigh. I was so frustrated. I’m not a super serious person, but apparently, I don’t want a sarcastic doctor (who is not a very good listener). 

It’s not like me to put up with “service” like this and not say something. But I was really there for a means to an end – to get my blood results and to ask about the salt issue (which, by the way, I had to ask him as he was trying to leave the room – he never asked if I had any questions – and which he blew off). So I didn’t say anything. I just knew I would be looking for a different doctor, or maybe clinic, the next time I need that sort of assistance. 

Why share this now? Eh, I’ve been thinking about this since April. It’s not my intention to share this to complain, but to say that while it put a bad taste in my mouth for that particular doctor, it didn’t for the healthcare system. I know quite a few people who are anti-doctor and I don’t want to be like that… I am just anti-bad fit (and that doctor could be just the right fit for someone else!).  Finding the right fit is hard (gah, especially with therapists!), but, it’s worth it. So my pep talk is… don’t give up!

Oh! And the blood work looked good! I was just low on vitamin B12, which is very common for vegans, and treatable with a vitamin supplement.