Body equilibrium actually refers to physical balance, but I’m using it in this post to mean rest/balance of body functions due to all systems acting in equal/opposing actions. Or in my case, that they don’t seem to be.
You know what really irks me for some reason? The humble brag / fishing for compliments. Like… if you are going to celebrate and be proud of you, just do it! There is nothing wrong with that! We don’t have to act like we are not proud of who we are, no matter where we are in our journey. Don’t be coy about it.
Sigh. Deep breath.
I preface this post by saying that because I wanted to talk about some physical body changes I am noticing, but need you to know I am not fishing for compliments / humble bragging.
So. I’ve lost a few pounds. For the point of this discussion, I will mention that the amount is around 13%. The weight’s coming off at a normal rate, but I feel like my body’s equilibrium is not keeping up:
- I can’t seem to regulate my body temperature like I used to. I used to turn in to the “human radiator” (as coined by Steven) at night. Not anymore. At times, I can’t seem to warm up. My hands get really cold on runs. I’m wondering if this will get better as we get warmer temps.
- I have so much energy I can’t sleep many nights. I am too excited to start my day. I got up just before 3:00 am yesterday. I couldn’t rest. I think I might try that ZzzQuil stuff Xaarlin was talking about.
- I’ve been getting more bruises. Hopefully that is just me being clumsy with the kettlebell. Hopefully this isn’t a “new” thing. I had a picture of one but deleted it. You don’t need to see that, ha ha.
- I don’t get to go #2 every day anymore! This is really annoying. It used to be like clockwork every morning. Not so much anymore. But I also don’t have “emergencies” on runs anymore, so that is good!
I’m not super worried about most of these things. I’ve actually been feeling fabulous, so these are just little nuisances. I am hoping, if I ever get to a stable body weight, whatever that is for me, that these things work themselves out. But I wanted to ask:
Has your body’s equilibrium ever gone all out of whack? What made it return to normal?
I should mention, I have increased my running mileage too, so that could also be affecting all this – thermoregulation off since I’m outside so much / can’t sleep because I’m overtraining / etc.
P.S. Please don’t suggest this is a thyroid thing. Ha ha ha.
I think you used to be my husband… (i.e., human radiator at night/going #2 like clockwork every morning).
yes my equilibrium and body temp are totally jacked from having no estrogen…I do the human radiator thing at night! Hope you get it figured out!
I wanted to laugh at the celebration thing because I was wanting to post something the other day but thought ugh does this sound like bragging…then I thought what the heck aren’t I allowed to be proud of accomplishing something?
Ha! Totally brag away!
My body has been out of equilibrium before so I normaly start with the root issue which is sleep. What helps me get into a good sleeping habit is drinking yogi bedtime tea! Its like magic! Also I brew chamolie leaves to help relax me before I take the bedtime tea. I then start drinking a lot of water too to help get rid of any “toxins” in my body. I hope it helps!
I think your body is just adjusting to it’s new weight. YOU ARE FAB! I know you aren’t fishing for compliments but you know I will shower you in them.
Max swears by these things to help him sleep. Whenever he drinks one he is completely OUT 15 minutes later He buys them at like 7-11 or some random place like that 🙂
LOL! Thanks! 🙂
I don’t think that thing would make me go to sleep. The shape of it turned me on too much.
Drinking more coffee would help one of those problems, though it wouldn’t help with your sleeping.
I find this all really curious, because as I was losing weight, I only felt better all the time. Is it possible there’s anything else contributing to some of this feeling? Anytime it feels like my body is a little out of whack, it’s due to extreme stress. I ended up in the ER last year when things in my life really came to a head – not fun (but I was okay, so nothing to worry about)! But that’s just, apparently, how I deal with things.
LOL! That would be one reason to try to drink coffee.
I feel awesome all the time… except when I crash at 2:00 pm because I couldn’t sleep 🙁 All my stress is stupid crap that doesn’t matter so I hope that is not what it is. Ahh!!!
That is crazy you ended up in the ER! 🙁
I think you’re probably just adjusting to a new weight and potentially dietary changes? I know if I switch up what I’m eating it can affect both my sleep and how frequently I go to the bathroom but I always have food intolerances that you probably don’t have. I’d suggest drinking a lot of tea during the day to help you warm up and maybe try some of those sleepy time teas before bed to help you sleep (I’m assuming you like tea obvi).
Congrats on the weight loss too! I’m going to congratulate you even though I know you’re not fishing for compliments!
I really do like tea so that is a good idea! I have never tried the sleep time ones.
How are things going with your changed (since Disney) eating style? Good?! 🙂
Aww, thanks 😉
I agree with Kelsey that maybe your body is just adjusting to the changes you’ve made. I think like you said, these little nuances will probably go away or subside with time. I’ve always had issues with cold hands but it seems to be worse this winter than in previous years. I think that just has to do with the weather and maybe the fact that I need some new running gloves.
So, BTW, I think we need to plan a lunch soon at NFC. Do they sell chicken nuggets there? I’m just curious.
That is interesting that your hands have been worse this winter! I can remember in past winters I would get by with Target cheapie gloves and now I have to double up! It could be that I am carrying a water bottle though. Derp.
Oh gosh! They should sell chicken nuggets! They sooner they arrive on the menu, the better!
I wouldn’t say you are over training but I have noticed in myself, since last year I have dropped about 5 lbs and most of it just has been fat turning into muscle. The point is that I have noticed changes in my body – an example is my hands getting colder on runs. Also I get cold a lot easier at work. I don’t go the bathroom every day anymore, i am not regular especially since I run in the AM a lot (I noticed AM runs mess me up more seems like). So I think and hope all this is due to the changes you have been making with your body. And sometimes it just takes a little bit for your body to get back into the routine.
Ahhh! Reading this made me feel so much better. Sounds like you have/had the same thing going on.
Yay for weight loss! But more importantly you’ve got some serious arm muscles! I’m envious!
Ah equilibrium.., maybe you jut need time to adjust to everything. 13% is a crazy amount to lose 🙂 I don’t know if running outside in extreme cold might also be contributing to your feeling “off.” I know it knocks me out after my once weekly long run. (cant sleep, have elevated heart rate etx until the next day) Ugh.
Yay for Zzzzzz quil! 🙂
And everyday CB goes poop like clockwork, sometimes twice a day. And I’m so efffing jealous.
Aww, thank you! 😀 :D: D
Maybe it is just the cold outside. That is what my husband thought. LOL. Is it not normal to run outside all winter long?
Sigh. To be a dog (or cat!). Data goes every night after dinner.
You look amazing and are such and inspiration when I see you in class and when you are drafting me:) Keep up the good work and revel (?) in the compliments and BRAG out loud!!!!!! Pass along someof that energy too!
Aww! Thank you Carrie! You are too sweet!!! 🙂
no need to humble brag. you can (and most probably should) flat out brag 🙂 It’s kind of funny but your messed up equilibrium state is my normal. And I always wake up with weird bruises that I cannot for the life of me remember how and when they appeared. Rumor has it that I sleepwalk to hit the wall over and over again.
Oh gosh! Do you really think you sleepwalk? Now I want to see how bruised up you are. 😉
well… most probably I don’t really sleepwalk. Although sleepwalking is a less embarrassing story than admitting that 4 out of 5 mornings, when I wake up, I hit both into the leg of my bed and the bathroom’s door knob. So, yes, I’m pretty bruised up. I’m getting physically assaulted by all sorts of inanimate objects 🙂
So, why aren’t we supposed to suggest it might be related to a chemical imbalance? 🙂
Seriously, though, I would say that if these things don’t level out in the next three months or so to talk to a doctor about it. Does losing weight affect hormones at all?
On the plus side, having energy isn’t a bad thing 🙂
Because I want to think my body wouldn’t do that to me 😉
I am going to talk to my doc if things stay like this. I see my lady doc in a few months. LOL. She knows her stuff. 🙂 I would guess losing weight would affect… something. Shit. I should know this. I haven’t gotten to that chapter yet! AHHH!!! I SHOULD BE STUDYING RIGHT NOW!
No worries about the body temp thing… I go from hot to cold in a flash. I used to think i was going through early menopause (how awful!!), but realized I was being dramatic and maybe this is just normal? Hopefully? lol
I thought it looked like you have lost weight, I think you look amazing.
BRAG away!!! Congrats on the weight loss- 13% is no joke. It looks like your hard work is paying off!!
Wow! Way to go, girl! I don’t know what to tell you about all the possible side effects though! I can tell you to be careful with the sleep meds. Often sleep meds (including nyquil…don’t know much about zzzzquil though) change sleep architecture…which means that you might get more hours of sleep, but those hours will not be as effective for restoring your mind and body as they would be had they been natural hours of sleep.
Ugh! Thanks for the warning! I will be super careful when I try them. I just want to sleep through the night and not get up a lot. I thought maybe that would be more restful overall? Who knows!
Sounds like you are feeling good about where you are weight-wise, so congrats on that!
I’m very envious that you wake up at 3:00 and feel excited and energized. When I wake up at 3:00, it’s because I’m anxious/worried about something – never a good sign in my world.
I’m also really curious about your studying…
Good point! At least I wake up with energy!
What do you want to hear about my studying? 🙂
Hopefully after you are stable (lol- weight wise!) everything will find a rhythm again! You have to let me know if you try the ZzzQuil stuff and it works for you- I would love to sleep!! I have been noticing that you look fabulous in your pics!! I am super proud of you for your 13% weight loss!! Two big paws up!!!
I will let you know how it goes!
And thanks! 🙂 I love it when you cheer for me! 🙂
I totally meant to comment on this post yesterday, but I wanted to say congrats again and thank you for posting! I think far too often bloggers post on the easy stuff to talk about (the actual weight loss) but avoid talking about the challenges like the ones you’re having!
Aww, well thank you! I was worried it would come off as humble bragging about losing weight by complaining about those issues. But really, that is what I wanted to talk about!
My husband claims I’m a human radiator, too, which is weird, because I’m always cold when I sleep (and pile on the covers as proof)! Also, there are times when it’s hard for me to quiet my brain at night, too. On a limited basis, I’ve tried guided meditation and it does seem to help quiet all the crazy and exciting thoughts running through my head!
It’s always so interesting to hear about the “side effects” (no negativeness implied!) of losing weight. Most people just shine a positive light on it all, but you rarely (if ever) hear about some of the new struggles that arise. I’m sure it’s just your body’s way of adjusting to the new weight and it will soon pass! And by the way, I am jealous of your incredible energy levels! I struggle a lot with low energy levels…
I am happy you liked reading this! 🙂
Have you always struggled with low energy? Or just lately?
Interestingly enough, I discovered that when my weight dips too low it takes my energy levels down with it. I don’t monitor my weight and low energy levels are usually my cue to weigh myself. All has been well lately though…but not as great as yours! 3AM wake-up calls..I wish
The bruises could suggest anemia. I think everyone’s right about the cold being your body adjusting, plus it has been chilly. Try drinking more water for the #2 thing — if you are doing more miles in the cold, you probably need it.
Wait, is humble-bragging related to your body’s equilibrium? Are people humble-bragging about having their bodies in equilibrium??
I didn’t realize that people had been suggesting thyroid issues to you! My hands and feet are always cold, and I bruise easily, too! And you know what happened to me last summer in Korea….
Maybe you’re secretly Asian. That’s what I blame for, well, almost everything.
Sorry to be unclear! I have seen some silly humble-bragging about looks and running pace, and I am getting sick of it (the compliment fishing). So I didn’t want people to think I was writing this to brag about losing a bit of weight 😉
Ha ha ha. Maybe I am secretly Asian! That must be it!
You’ll have to let me know if you decide to get your thyroid tested!