Body equilibrium actually refers to physical balance, but I’m using it in this post to mean rest/balance of body functions due to all systems acting in equal/opposing actions. Or in my case, that they don’t seem to be.

You know what really irks me for some reason? The humble brag / fishing for compliments. Like… if you are going to celebrate and be proud of you, just do it! There is nothing wrong with that! We don’t have to act like we are not proud of who we are, no matter where we are in our journey. Don’t be coy about it.

Sigh. Deep breath.

I preface this post by saying that because I wanted to talk about some physical body changes I am noticing, but need you to know I am not fishing for compliments / humble bragging.

So. I’ve lost a few pounds. For the point of this discussion, I will mention that the amount is around 13%. The weight’s coming off at a normal rate, but I feel like my body’s equilibrium is not keeping up:

  • I can’t seem to regulate my body temperature like I used to. I used to turn in to the “human radiator” (as coined by Steven) at night. Not anymore. At times, I can’t seem to warm up. My hands get really cold on runs. I’m wondering if this will get better as we get warmer temps.
  • I have so much energy I can’t sleep many nights. I am too excited to start my day. I got up just before 3:00 am yesterday. I couldn’t rest. I think I might try that ZzzQuil stuff Xaarlin was talking about.


  • I’ve been getting more bruises. Hopefully that is just me being clumsy with the kettlebell. Hopefully this isn’t a “new” thing. I had a picture of one but deleted it. You don’t need to see that, ha ha.
  • I don’t get to go #2 every day anymore! This is really annoying. It used to be like clockwork every morning. Not so much anymore. But I also don’t have “emergencies” on runs anymore, so that is good!

I’m not super worried about most of these things. I’ve actually been feeling fabulous, so these are just little nuisances. I am hoping, if I ever get to a stable body weight, whatever that is for me, that these things work themselves out. But I wanted to ask:

Has your body’s equilibrium ever gone all out of whack? What made it return to normal?

I should mention, I have increased my running mileage too, so that could also be affecting all this – thermoregulation off since I’m outside so much / can’t sleep because I’m overtraining / etc.

P.S. Please don’t suggest this is a thyroid thing. Ha ha ha.