Heh heh heh.
Yes, I own this book.
I’ve been thinking about solo trips, especially with my upcoming trip to Salt Lake City (I did sign up for the half marathon!). Of course, my definition of a solo trip is any trip I take without Steven. But it may or may not be solo, i.e., completely by myself*! I may be going to see someone, or going somewhere with someone else… either way, I wanted to ask you about your “solo” trip taking habits!
How often do you travel solo, whether it be for business, pleasure or obligation (family, ha!**)? Do you prefer to travel with someone (whether or not it be your significant other)? Would you like to travel solo, but can’t? Do you feel guilty traveling solo (if you have a significant other)?
I guess that is what I am getting at – I feel guilty going to far away places on my own. I’ve been to NYC a few times on my own, to see Gina and her family. Steven can’t go to Salt Lake City. I would like to do another Girls’ Trip with Erin. I feel bad leaving Steven behind! Which in and of itself sounds awful. I don’t mean it the way it sounds, but I literally am leaving him behind while I travel.
But at the same time… I love to travel and don’t mind doing it alone, if he cannot go***. When I lived in Rome, I took a lot of trips by myself. I am good at rockin’ it solo. I like exploring areas on my own. I like being 100% in control of my itinerary. I like being in charge of my expectations only.****
And I don’t mind when Steven has to go on business trips or goes to see his family on his own.
Sigh. I think what I really need is a good mix. And I need to plan something for just me and Steven that is not a visit to family or friend’s! Something romantic… ooo, la la. Ha ha. I feel encouraged by Anne‘s recent honeymoon plans (!!!) and from Erin’s talk of a 10-year anniversary trip!
*So, uh, maybe I should call it something else!
**Totes joking. I love seeing my family.
***Because he is busy running a business!
****But like planning trips for myself and others too! Geesh, I am a walking contradiction.
I have traveled alone a bit but I don’t do it nearly as often as I used to. Whenever I’ve traveled alone I almost always am meeting someone on the other side. I completely understand what you mean about only being in charge of your own expectations. I realize that not everyone is interested in the same things I am so sometimes it’s difficult to plan an itinerary that everyone will agree with.
That being said, I love traveling with Joey to and can’t wait until we do the Mediterranean together in May!!
You guys are going to have a wonderful cruise!
I haven’t really traveled solo outside of work. I’ve taken some vacations with my sister instead of my husband which were a little odd at first but really great trips. My husband and I tend to have different vacation styles, I like to jam-pack trips while he likes to relax!
Ooo, a sister trip sounds fun! Was it racing for you two, or something else?
(what’s a “contracdiction”?)
My “trips” are races lately. And they are solo out of necessity, although I did get an overnight with John last September when I ran Appleton…I need a getaway with him. But I’d love to take a family trip too. Look! Now you’ve got me all in “vacation” mode 🙂
Thanks! My dad is going to be sad you got that one before him 😉
What would your dream trip with John be… and with the fam? 🙂
I have never taken a truly solo pleasure trip by myself- but I would like to someday. With two young children, it is hard for both my husband and I to get away. So we often take a trip or two individually with our friends. My husband is a Phish fan so he often travels to see their concerts. Annually I usually get to do one running race overnighter with my BRF and then a weekend away with my college girls. Bobbi is right, now you have me thinking Vacation!
Aww, your annual trips sound fab! When is the next one?
I fly by myself all the time, but I don’t think I’ve ever gone to a destination where I’m not meeting up with at least one other person who I know. I do like traveling with other people–it makes taking bathroom trips in the airport a lot more convenient. 🙂
That is so true! When I flew to NYC in Dec by myself I checked my bag and it was so nice not to have it in the bathroom!
Enjoy your alone time! The great thing about traveling alone is that you can literally do whatever YOU want to do. Enjoy it!
I’ve taken trips without Robert to visit my friends (Vera in Boston, college friends in Detroit) and also for work-related conferences (sadly those got cut from our budget a long time ago, and I was always with co-workers). And I’ve taken a couple trips with friends that Robert couldn’t join me on because of work (both civilian job and Navy). However Robert has taken plenty of solo trips, although his are all for Navy purposes. Other than a long weekend in Galena over a year ago, we haven’t taken a real trip together in over four years 🙁 We desperately need a vacation together. Seriously. It would do our relationship a world of good. But we also need our own place.
I hope you get a chance to have a little getaway together. What about that half in MI?
I travel solo all the time for work and I am totally okay with it. But it is really nice to travel with someone. It is the little things like being able to leave your bag with them so you don’t have to lug it into the bathroom, and being able to lean on them and sleep on the plane.
I don’t travel solo too much these days but I used to all the time (when I was single!). On occasion, yes, but these are rarely a true “solo” trip. Often it’s to meet up with old friends, but I’ve also spent time in Spain and Nicaragua for work-related trips without Michael, and I know how you feel – I always hate leaving him ‘behind’, as you say.
I’ve only taken one solo trip I can think of in the past 10 years- to Vegas to see my BFF and felt entirely too guilty about not having L with me 🙁 (and we had only been together 2 years tops. He loves Vegas)
I have the opposite problem, sometimes I feel like I drag Ian along with me when I travel. Most of my recent travels have been running related and I always tell Ian that he doesn’t have to come but he always ends up coming along. I know he’s an adult and it’s his choice but sometimes I wonder if he thinks I’ll be upset if he’s not there (I’d totally understand) and the comes along for the wrong reasons. I think we’re in desperate need of a non-running related trip haha!
Hee hee! Is there a non-running trip in your future? 🙂
Matt and i usually take solo trips to see family. (we take joint trips for that too, of course) I think its nice. I like getting away from him sometimes, and i know he enjoys the Matt time. And i am planning a solo trip to NYC sometime soon to see a girlfriend….totally guilt free. Geez, maybe i am jerk, haha!
Not a jerk! So happy you are going to see your friend in NYC! When do you go?
I used to travel solo all the time. Like every week. Leave Monday morning, return Thursday night. Sometimes, I wouldn’t return until the following Thursday night if I wanted to spend the weekend somewhere else. I hated traveling that frequently for work. My life is quite a bit different now. I haven’t traveled solo at all since I got married and had a child… mostly because I can’t imagine leaving my boys for such a long period of time!
Gosh, if I traveled that much for work, I think it would completely ruin it for me!
I used to travel solo on business all the time. Now I do feel guilty when I leave Caveman and the kids behind, although that didn’t stop me from going away on my own 3 times last year!
Hooray for signing up for the half!
I travel completely solo all the time for work (at least once a week) but I think of that more as an obligation, if that makes sense.
I have a few ‘solo’ trips planned this year – races/trips with girl friends that I do feel guilty about doing without Troy. I try to remember that it’s important to have time as individuals, doing things that I like to do, and doing things with friends that he might not really want to do (hanging out in LA, trying to recreate every scene from The Hills, and waiting around during a marathon….)
We also do a lot of joint travel, so I think that helps my mental balance of it a bit too.
ooo i love my alone time and living alone etc, but I’m not sure I would plan a vacation to go on solo. I think if it was planned and for the purpose of relaxation, I’d want to go with someone 🙂
I don’t really enjoy going places all by myself. I want to share them with people! So when I’ve traveled for work by myself I’m usually bummed that my friends or family aren’t with me!
I love travelling solo… perhaps it is because I don’t have to carry a diaper bag, spare clothes, a million kids books, etc etc etc. Look, I love my kids, but it is relaxing to travel without them every once in a while. Shoot- it’s relaxing to read the newspaper for an hour at Corner Bakery for breakfast without them…. 😉
LOL! Good point from a mom’s perspective!!! 🙂
I travel for work a handful of times a year, and some of those trips are solo. (To me, that means I’m traveling by myself and staying in a room by myself). I actually really enjoy the alone time!
I would love to travel with Han Solo! I’ve never had a problem traveling by myself, but anymore I only travel solo when I go home to Ohio. I don’t typically take Bob with me because I’d spend the whole trip worrying that he’d have a good time, and I sort of see it as a nice break. When I go home, I can just avoid responsibility, reconnect with family and friends and let my parents spoil me for a couple days. I’m going the first weekend in March, and I’m really looking forward to it!
I rarely have solo trips back “home” and I do wonder how different it would be!
Very interesting question! I think I would prefer traveling solo, and sometimes do (when I’m brave enough). One of my 2013 resolutions is to travel someplace all by myself. I think traveling solo can help “discover” yourself, which is why I’ve been pushing myself to do it more often. I also think it depends on one’s personality – some people wouldn’t even think to travel solo but others prefer it. I can’t say much about the guilt aspect of it since I don’t have a permanent significant other to worry about leaving.
I prefer to travel solo at times… I used to travel for business a lot in the 90’s and was mostly solo on those trips (sometimes with co-workers around, but my wife didn’t go with me). I think the idea of being on your own to go see stuff is nice. Yes, it’s nice to take vacations with your spouse, but those are trips where you are meant to be with someone else in your travels.