Heh heh heh.


Yes, I own this book. 

I’ve been thinking about solo trips, especially with my upcoming trip to Salt Lake City (I did sign up for the half marathon!). Of course, my definition of a solo trip is any trip I take without Steven. But it may or may not be solo, i.e., completely by myself*! I may be going to see someone, or going somewhere with someone else… either way, I wanted to ask you about your “solo” trip taking habits!

How often do you travel solo, whether it be for business, pleasure or obligation (family, ha!**)? Do you prefer to travel with someone (whether or not it be your significant other)? Would you like to travel solo, but can’t? Do you feel guilty traveling solo (if you have a significant other)? 

I guess that is what I am getting at – I feel guilty going to far away places on my own. I’ve been to NYC a few times on my own, to see Gina and her family. Steven can’t go to Salt Lake City. I would like to do another Girls’ Trip with Erin. I feel bad leaving Steven behind! Which in and of itself sounds awful. I don’t mean it the way it sounds, but I literally am leaving him behind while I travel.  

But at the same time… I love to travel and don’t mind doing it alone, if he cannot go***. When I lived in Rome, I took a lot of trips by myself. I am good at rockin’ it solo. I like exploring areas on my own. I like being 100% in control of my itinerary. I like being in charge of my expectations only.****

And I don’t mind when Steven has to go on business trips or goes to see his family on his own. 

Sigh. I think what I really need is a good mix. And I need to plan something for just me and Steven that is not a visit to family or friend’s! Something romantic… ooo, la la. Ha ha.  I feel encouraged by Anne‘s recent honeymoon plans (!!!) and from Erin’s talk of a 10-year anniversary trip!

*So, uh, maybe I should call it something else!
**Totes joking. I love seeing my family.
***Because he is busy running a business
****But like planning trips for myself and others too! Geesh, I am a walking contradiction.