Ugh, I noticed on my walk to the train that Ann Taylor already has fall clothes up in the display windows. No! I don’t want summer to end. But this top is cute. What a neat neckline. And I could use some more red shirts (and why is this top up with the fall clothes if it doesn’t have sleeves?).

I actually have a love/hate relationship with the summer (heat). I want it to be really hot when I visit my family on the Mississippi River, but running in the heat makes me miss the cold weather*.Β Oh well. The best part about being out of school is that I don’t have to dread going back to school at the end of summer. I am in control of my time now (kind of)!

In April, I made a “this summer, I will…” list. I haven’t done everything on my list, but it’s not too late!

What do you want to do before summer ends**?

*I do feel like I have improved my hot weather running a ton this year. Not how well I perform, but how hard it feels.
**It my mind, summer is half a state of mind/half weather. It ends when I feel like it’s over or when the weather gets freaking cold – whichever happens first.