I got extremely ill at work yesterday before my flight left for Louisville. I felt irritated,  dizzy, feverish and sweaty, yet had goosebumps and chills at the same time… and a few other symptoms that I will leave out. I was really worried I wouldn’t be able to sit on an airplane for an hour and a half (which turned out to be much more). I sent my symptoms to my sister and Steven, who looked up what I should do and some Urgent Care addresses in Kentucky and Indiana. I downed a bunch of water and miraculously made it through the flight. I was feeling so much better by the time I got off the plane, but I still went to Urgent Care, and sure enough, had an infection. Yay, antibiotics!

The whole reason I am sharing this is because I could not believe how much happier I felt when I got off that plane and was feeling better. I was almost giddy with excitement that I felt so much better, more comfortable and like a human being. I think I sometimes take my health for granted!