I got extremely ill at work yesterday before my flight left for Louisville. I felt irritated, dizzy, feverish and sweaty, yet had goosebumps and chills at the same time… and a few other symptoms that I will leave out. I was really worried I wouldn’t be able to sit on an airplane for an hour and a half (which turned out to be much more). I sent my symptoms to my sister and Steven, who looked up what I should do and some Urgent Care addresses in Kentucky and Indiana. I downed a bunch of water and miraculously made it through the flight. I was feeling so much better by the time I got off the plane, but I still went to Urgent Care, and sure enough, had an infection. Yay, antibiotics!
The whole reason I am sharing this is because I could not believe how much happier I felt when I got off that plane and was feeling better. I was almost giddy with excitement that I felt so much better, more comfortable and like a human being. I think I sometimes take my health for granted!
Glad to hear you’re feeling better! Exciting and I hope that you have a good trip – you seemed to have so much fun on your last trip to Louisville!
Glad it was short-lived and you are feeling better. I can’t imagine having those symptoms while flying. It sounds like no fun at all.
I’m SHOCKED that you got on the plane anyway! That’s dedication. Wow. Glad you’re better!
I really didn’t want to. But I didn’t even want to begin to think about how I would explain it if I didn’t!
Glad you are feeling better! I think we all take for granted our health. That has to do with being sick or even injured!
Take care of yourself!
Take care of yourself! Being sick is the pits.
Glad you are feeling better! Take care of yourself! I probably would have been upchucking on the plane!
So glad you are feeling better snister! And that I was able to sort of help! 🙂 Love you! Have a fun rest of your trip!
ugh – YUCK! So glad you are feeling better 🙂
I had a very weird episodic dizzy/nauseous, shaking, feverish spell about two weeks ago. Ear infection. Weird. I’m glad you’re better. I couldn’t even stand.
Can I be super nosy and ask what kind of infection you had? Yesterday I got hit with really bad nausea/stomach cramps and today I feel like I have a bit of a fever. Just trying to decide if it’s a passing tummy thing or if I should go to the doc…
I hear you – I had a recent health scare myself and it is really easy to forget how wonderful it is to just BE healthy/normal feeling.
Glad you’re feeling better!