My doctor called me* with my EKG results today and they were different than what I was expecting. She said my heart beat is on the slower side (I was totally expecting it to be high, as I often feel like it’s very rapid). A typical heart beat is 60-80 beats per minute (bpm) and mine is about 53 bpm. She said this is not unusual for women in good shape (me?) and we discussed my exercise routine. I even saw this on wikipedia:
The typical healthy resting heart rate in adults is 60β80 bpm, with rates below 60 bpm referred to as bradycardia, and rates above 100 bpm referred to as tachycardia. Note however that conditioned athletes** often have resting heart rates below 60 bpm.
So, I am not worried. At all. However, she does want me to have a consultation with a cardiologist, to make sure that my exercise level is why my heart rate is lower. So, time to make another appointment… yay. Looks like I will be meeting my health insurance deductible again this year!
If you are interested in seeing the actual EKG, here it is. Click to see larger!
Maybe I was doing the thumbs up too early? (This picture is from Friday’s appointment).
*Actually, I called to ask if she even had them yet, then she had to track them down, then she called me.
**I don’t think of myself as a “conditioned athlete” but this makes me feel better.
You might be interested to know I had a friend who got an EKG for a routine physical because she was in the Army Reserves. The doc had a similar concern with her. Then she had to go for a stress test, etc. Finally the last doctor said it was all fine, that many doctors are not used to encountering a healthy heart as is often found in runners. Runner’s World also had an article about this around that same time so I suspect it is a fairly common occurrence. Have you never had your resting pulse rate taken? (My hubby and I both are routinely in the lower 50’s.) I suspect you just have a very healthy cardio system as result of all your hard work but you might as well let them check things out to be sure.
That is interesting! I used to take my resting HR every morning. I cannot recall what it was though. I just always figured I would have a high HR. I guess this is a good thing π
So glad to read that all is well with this, Kim! My heart rate is 53 and I was told that was normal as well; though, I don’t run – just yoga practice. xo Much love!
I think of you as a conditioned athlete!
Glad the EKG is probably nothing amiss.
You ARE an athlete – glad to hear everything looks normal!
Glad to hear the appointment went ok! It’s always a sigh of relief to hear better news than expected. π
I’d be willing to bet money your heart rate is due to your running/other exercise. I see it all the time and have seen it in myself as I started running more. There can be problems with a low heart rate but not usually when it’s seen in healthy people who exercise. It’s pretty common, actually. IMO your doc is being super cautious (read- covering their ass) by sending you to a cardiologist but I guess there’s nothing wrong with that. Just don’t worry too much. If your EKG was otherwise clean aside from a rate in the 50’s we wouldn’t think twice in the ER…
Thanks for reassuring me! I am not worried. I may talk to someone though, just to make sure I am doing the right things. I figured my heart would be all out of whack since I am overweight. I guess not?
At least the news was “You’re in great shape”. I never heard of heart rates going down from being in shape. Glad you are ok!
Woo hoo! Great news.
At least we know you won’t be pulling a Jim Fixx anytime soon.
Im sure thats EXACTLY why your heart rate is lower. It makes perfect sense.
You are definitely an athlete! I’m glad your heart is healthy. π
Believe it–youre a conditioned athlete! Your heart is extra strong from all the running so it doesn’t have to work as hard therefore it can pump slower. Pretty sweet huh?
Oh wow, just look how out of touch I am! I didn’t even realize that you were going to the Dr. OYY!!!
My HR is always crazy fast. It is starting to finally come down,but usually my resting is right around that 80 mark. (My max is around 215!)
That is great (if not slightly odd) news! I have no idea what my resting heart rate is, but my blood pressure is always low so I don’t worry about it. Hm, that reminds me that I need to post about the wellness screening I had for work. As sickly as I am, overall I am considered quite healthy! (yay!)
Of course you are a conditioned athlete! I’m sure that’s why it’s so low. Good for you!
I always want to take my resting heart rate when I first get up but I always forget. I think that your low heart rate is normal but good to have things checked out. I know i have a slight murmur in my heart but thats about it.
Glad to hear you’re hearing positive results and also good to hear you’re going to continue to follow up to make sure!
So glad to hear the good news and you are one of the best athletes I know girl!! Have a great weekend :-).
Glad to hear that you had good news – and I suppose more tests will only be able to reassure that.
When I went in for my yearly physical about 6 months ago, my heart rate came up as 43. I kind of freaked out, since that seemed really low, but the doctor was like, ‘yeah, whatever, it’s fine.’ (ps. I really didn’t like that doctor at all) I have an appointment later this week at a different office and I’m interested to see what happens.
You will have to tell me what the new doc says! I am surprised your doc didn’t say anything about your lower heart rate.
You’re much more conditioned than most of the people in this world! Two thumbs up for a normal (yet bradycardic) rhythm!