Tomorrow I get to do one of these – an electrocardiogram (EKG):

image from here

Has anyone ever had an EKG before?

At my annual appointment, my doctor noticed that my heart was skipping every few beats, so she ordered an EKG to make sure I don’t have an irregular heartbeat. I wouldn’t be surprised if I do – my mom has heart flutters from time to time (I think?) and her dad apparently had some heart issues.

I do notice that my heart seems to be pumping really fast and hard lately, but I think that might just be from stress. And I have noticed this before – my heart racing – in 2009 and again last year.

I’m sure there is nothing wrong with me, but I will be interested to see the results. Of course, they will have to get sent back to my doctor before I hear anything about it. Ah, the doctor waiting game. Maybe I can ask the nurse to give me some insight tomorrow during the test.