Guess what I get to try when I get home (in case the title didn’t give it away)?

Yum. Homemade bagels.

Our bagel quest has not been very successful. Seriously, DON’T get a bagel if you go to NYC. You will be scarred for life (alright, try them, but get some to bring home and put in your freezer). Or you will have to make friends with someone in NYC who will send them to you.

Nearly everyone I tell about our bagel quest asks me “Why doesn’t Steven just make some?” Jeez, what is he, my personal chef/baker? Muah ha ha, I guess so.

Steven was a bit hesitant to start experimenting with bagels, because it took him a long time to perfect his bread recipe, and it was a lot of work. But, the work has begun. We will be eating a lot of bagels in the future until he makes them perfect. And that is fine withย me. I have about a gazillion races coming up and could use the carbs.

The annoying thing is, I have to wait until I get home at 8:00 PM to eat a bagel. I have my strengh class tonight. I almost want to skip class just to go home and try one. Maybe toasted? With peanut butter?

And speaking of my strength class, I am not sure if I will sign up for May. I am feeling pretty “meh” about having another weeknight committment. Speedwork starts on May 17th, and will be once a week until sometime in September. I have running club 5K meetings every other week (local friends – mark your calendars for a 5K on August 6th!). And I like to go to the free summer concerts at Independence Grove on Tuesdays in the summer. Last night I went home and didn’ t have to do anything and it felt so niceย to just veg out and be a lazy smackaroo.

How many nights a week do you have things scheduled to do outside of the home?

For awhile, it seemed like we had something going on almost every night. Fun things… but I get so drained!