We were in Kansas City this weekend (Sunday) to do the Trolley Run with Steven’s dad, David, and his brother, Andrew.

The Trolley Run is a point-to-point 4-mile race that starts in Waldo (a neighborhood in Kansas City) and ends in the Plaza. AND… the race is mostly downhill. Now, this is an elevation map I can get behind!

This was my first point-to-point race. Admittedly, I was a bit nervous. Leave our car at the finish and take a bus to the start?! What if the bus lines were long? They weren’t. The race was incredibly well organized. We got right on a bus and got to the start with an hour to spare.

Have you ever done a point-to-point race?

The race was also incredibly organized, corral wise. There were six corrals, based on pace, and we were in the center corral. They started the corrals a few minutes apart to prevent crowding, and it worked well – I never felt like I was going to get knocked over, or like I was blocked in by people.

When we were waiting in our corral to start, one of Steven’s close high school friends randomly recognized us! He ended up running most of the race with us, so that was exciting. He’s a really cool guy.

On to the actual race. It was the perfect temperature for a race – low 50s, and a bit sunny. The four of us (and our friend, most of the time) stuck together for the race and kept an even 11:15ish pace (Garmin stats here) the entire time, except for when we stopped at the water station in the end of mile 2.

It was fun to run together, and it felt nice and easy (I think for all four of us – which is good – two people in our group didn’t start to train until two weeks prior to the race).

The post-race food was a bit crowded, but other than that, it was a perfect race. I was surprised by how laid-back, yet still organized, the race was. I felt like the race was more chill than Chicago races.

Our official finish time was 45:52, which was just under the average finishing time 46:02. I thought it was interesting that of the 8,418 finishers, 4,909 of them were female, and 3,509 were male. I wonder if it is common to have more females than males?

During the post-race, someone handed me a brochure for the 2011 Kansas City Zoo Run, another 4-miler. My brother-in-law, Andrew, was already encouraging me to run it, and when I saw what animal they were sponsoring this year, I knew I had to:

The Black-Footed Cat! Aww!!! It would be fun to do another 4-miler. This was my first one. Have you raced a 4-miler before?