I was really hungry during my run this morning, so I decided to make some oatmeal when I got back to the house (I usually wait and eat at work). And for fun, I decided to put in some of the Vega Sport Berry Protein Powder, as you guys suggested.
This is kind of dumb of me, but I expected the berry protein powder to be red. I guess there are no artificial colorings. Duh. It turned my freaking oatmeal green.
And it tasted every bit as disgusting as it looks. I could only manage 5 bites before I threw it all away. I even pinched nose as I ate it, hoping I would taste it less, but it didn’t help. I am not sure that it tasted too “plant-y” or too natural, it just tasted GROSS.
Thankfully I only bought sample packs, instead of a big jar of this stuff. I need to find something else to try.
The good news is, I lost my appetite, and can just have my oatmeal at work like I do every other day.
To make up for the gross picture above, here’s a cute one of Data!
I should have given you some of my Sun Warrior! It’s yummy – I had some last night in my dessert. 🙂
That is what I was thinking this morning too! We’ll get together soon and I will try some! 🙂
That’s a bummer! I had some hemp protein powder that took me a while to get used to using. I started out by only using half the serving and I put it in a smoothie with banana, soy milk and some instant espresso powder and cocoa powder, which helped to disguise the taste. After a while I got used to it and it wasn’t so yucky anymore, and was able to just mix it with soy milk alone.
This morning, I was thinking I should have only used half the packet, like you did! I am sure I will give it another go 😉
Oh man, I would have thought the berry powder would be red too. (Hey, it’s not like you expected it to be BLUE for raspberry, right? Teehee.)
Blech, I thought that was guacamole at first, and I thought “Ugh, I hope Kim didn’t put protein powder in guacamole and eat it with a spoon.”
Yum, I am just going to imagine it IS guacamole so I don’t retch when I look at this post.
Oh, man, that does look gross! I’m sorry you had such a crummy breakfast. I haven’t tried the Vega protein packs, purely from a price standpoint. I was worried I would like them and then need to figure out how to afford them 🙂 The chocolate hemp one I found at Trader Joe’s is passable, but still not as yummy as peanut flour in oatmeal to me!
Uck that does not look good. Hopefully you can find a better combo!
To be honest, berry flavored protein powder sounds disgusting. I’d stick with vanilla. And smoothies.
Bleh! Thanks for the Data palate cleanser!
Woot for fat chance NYC! I am right there with you! Never say never right?
I thought of you when I signed up! 🙂
Oh, Kim, that looks awful! FYI, my strawberry protein powder is pink.
I agree with the poster who suggested starting with a smoothie. Or even just mixed with some cold almond milk. I think adding to oatmeal is kind of the advanced class. It’s probably better to get used to it cold first.
Ha ha, now you tell me! 😛
At first I was like YUM! Guacamole! But no, so not guac.
Aww, Data! I want to squeeze you!
hahaaaaaa omg that looks so super foul. sorry 🙂
but that DATA picture! so much cuteness!!
It’s a Data jawa!!
Yeah, I am a chicken when it comes to protein powder….green oatmeal is wrong on way too many levels (and smoothies too – I should try one, but I can’t seem to get past the green-ness).
Love the cute pic of Data – totally makes up for the yucky oatmeal! I hope you can find some protein powder that you like or that mixes well.
Awww! Data is adorable!
I have to say that I’m not really a huge fan of protein powders or bars. They all taste pretty gross to me!
Yah, I gave up on protein powder. I tried a hemp one, chocolate flavored too, and it tasted like butt. Not a fan at all.
At first glance I was going “oh, look, that guacamole looks good” and then I read a bit more…
Yeah, I also thought it was guacamole – and it made me a little hungry, til I read that it’s oatmeal. No no no, no good.
Ha – Data looks like a Star Wars character!
i have tried lots of powders in my oats and just don’t like it, nope not for me. I can use about a half scoop in smoothies and I’m good, but no go on oats
aaaaahahahaha! that’s great!
ok- sorry u couldn’t it eat but it TOTALLY reminds me of my mom’s meatloaf.
now, i love meatloaf…. but do you remember when they came out with colored ketchup? well, she bought the green stuff because she thought it was funny. then it was all we had one night when cooking meatloaf. short story short, that meatloaf looked radioactive!
aaahhhh the memories.
hope the second batch came out better for ya’ =)
Umm…..not gonna lie – that does look really gross! 😉 I wish I could be a PP kinda girl, but I can’t find a way that I love it. Plus it’s so $$, ya know? I wonder if it’d be better in a smoothie?
That picture of Data made me laugh out loud!!
Is Data a Jedi Master now? ;-D
Ha! I wondered if anyone would think that! I did! 🙂
Data looks so adorable. The oatmeal, however, is vom-worthy! I am glad you threw it out!
I was looking at this on my phone last night and thought “ewww! It’s like old guacamole!” I had recently seen a recipe for oatmeal with protein powder (chocolate)and some flax seeds and fruit. Maybe that will be better?
I thought I should have put my normal flax and sugar in. Maybe I should try it again…? Muah ha ha ha!
You were smart in buying the sample packets.. I bought a huge ass tub of the chocolate vega flavor and it’s been sitting in the cupboard for over a year now. Don’t give up on protein powders though! I use a pumpkin seed protein powder and I like it in smoothies, oats, pancakes, whatever. The taste is nice and subtle so you don’t even know it’s there! Unlike Vega.
I am happy to hear I am not the only one who didn’t care for Vega! Where do you get that pumpkin seed one?
Dude, that looks nasty! I would have thrown it all out, too.
Now that’s a bowl of oatmeal I really don’t want to eat. No wonder it’s taste is just as bad as it’s look.