Back to rockin’ the tea. At least I have this awesome tea cup from my sister. Too cute! I think I laugh every time I use it.

I may or may have not picked up this box of tea (below) because it had a lion drinking tea on the box… adorable!

And yummy!

Anyway, talking about my emotional eating issues is getting a bit old. I don’t want someone to take a glimpse at my blog and think that is all I talk about, because really, I tend to be a pretty happy person (at least I think?) no matter my size. I just want to be healthy and feel good. I don’t when I eat a sh*t ton of sugary crap!

I recently bought a copy of my favorite emotional eating book, Life is Hard, Food is Easy, by Linda Spangle, to reread. I first read this book in the summer of 2004, and it really resonated with me. Spangle talks about why we overeat (stress, boredom, sadness, you know, all that) and suggests real ways to deal with our emotions instead of eating. Something about this book just really makes sense to me. I think I need to reread it once or twice a year. I wish I could describe it better.

I bought an extra copy of the book to give away. I figured someone out there may benefit from reading it as well.

And with that, I will try not to talk about this so much…

Life is Hard, Food is Easy Giveaway Rules

  1. To enter the giveaway, leave a comment saying you would like to be entered in the giveaway.
  2. This giveaway is open until 5:00 PM CST on Tuesday March 29. I will use to select the winner. I will announce the winner on Wednesday March 30.
  3. This giveaway is open to all readers.