Don’t mind if I do.

My awesome coworker made vegan peanut butter cups to bring to the office for Valentine’s Day. How sweet is she?!

I kind of mentioned beforeย that I am trying to shed some weight, and one of the ways I do that is by cutting back on my “sweets” consumption. Because, yeah. I can really eat a lot of sweets. Like, an obscene amount – what most people consume in a month, I could probably consume in a day. What can I say? I have a major sweet tooth!

But I’ve been trying to control it, by having tea instead of sweets. And it’s working. But today?* I think I may have a peanut butter cup. Or two. Or three.

Do you have a sweet tooth? Do you try to not eat too many sweets?

Do you think you’ll have any sweets today?

*And I am TOTALLY going to Babycakes in NYC with Gina!!!