There was a health fair at work this week, and I went to get my body fat percentage tested. It’s something I’ve always wanted to know. Unfortunately, they were using the bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) method, which isn’t very reliable (or so I hear – the guy doing it said it’s accurate within a range of 3%). It sends a small electric current through your body, and the faster it goes through your body, the less body fat you have (the current travels faster through water/muscle than fat). But the results can be all skewed depending on what you drink, eat, etc. Anyway –

I held this device with my arms out in front of me:

The result? 31.7% body fat. Whoa. And, I am at a “high” risk with a BMI* of 28.5. Here is what wikipedia thinks my body fat percentage should be:

Description Women Men
Essential fat 10-13% 1-3%
Athletes 14–20% 6-13%
Fitness 21–24% 14–17%
Average 25–31% 18–24%
Obese 32%+ 25%+

Are you calling me obese, wikipedia? Really?! Really?!?!?!!?

Honestly, I am not surprised. I know I have fat on me. Hello. I can grab my stomach. Check out my left arm, and the left side of my stomach in the photo below.

Buah ha ha. Jiggle jiggle! I was really hoping they would just take out one of those calipers and grab my arm or stomach. I wonder if my health insurance would cover a real body fat analysis test. I am curious to see how accurate the 31.7 number is. It’s probably pretty accurate. I am jiggly.

I would like to do this test in a year, to see if anything has changed. The optimistic person in me hopes that I can get down to a healthy weight, but the realistic person knows that the weight I am at now has kind of been my body’s setting point. I am athletic, I feel comfortable with my body… so there is no rush to lose weight. I’ll get there when I get there.

The good news is, I also had my blood pressure tested, and it was 120/80 (and that was after I found out I am at “high risk” for… something).

Have you ever had your body fat percentage tested? What was your percentage? Did the results make you want to change anything about your current lifestyle?

*I have never really taken BMI seriously.