Is it normal to not want to associate yourself with the people you went to high school with after graduation? Not all of them of course, I have many good friends that I still talk to on a regular basis. But there’s the ones that you kind of knew. The ones you kind of talked to, but not really. They were just always there? Well I chose to go to a college extremely close to my hometown, figuring it would be close enough to be near my family, but far enough to get away… and all those people, the ones I thought I was getting away from, they’re still here! Sometimes I feel like I’m on my own and in a new world, and then they bring me down. This post may seem bitter, but its just something I’ve been realizing lately!

I’m not sure what else to say, my mind is blank! An update on Kim, she is having lots of fun in Aruba! Doing lots of exciting things that I’m sure she will blog about when she gets back. She is also sneaking online a LOT. KIMBERLY, ENJOY YOUR HONEYMOON AND GET OFF THE INTERNET! πŸ™‚

Thanks for reading. πŸ™‚ I promise more interesting posts are on their way!